Via delle Cateratte, 90/6 - 57122 LEGHORN - ITALY Find the address with Google Maps tel.: +39 0586 887568, fax: +39 0586 891174, tlx: 500021 SAURO I, e-mail
Via Asmara, 3/c II piano Cargo Village Aeroporto G. Galilei - 56121 PISA - ITALY Find the address with Google Maps tel.: +39 050 22 32 200, fax: +39 050 22 32 299, e-mail
Via Chico Mendes, 13 Località Ponte a Egola - 56028 SAN MINIATO (PISA) - ITALY Find the address with Google Maps tel.: +39 0571 3666 60, fax: +39 0571 3534 1, e-mail
Via E.Reginato,85/H Condominio Gemini Nord - 31100 TREVISO - ITALY Find the address with Google Maps tel.: +39 0422 29 69 11, fax: +39 0422 42 22 92, e-mail
Via Sommacampagna, 59/c - scala D - Piano VI - Quadrante Europa - 37137 VERONA - ITALY Find the address with Google Maps tel.: +39 045 80 82 672, fax: +39 045 80 82 114, e-mail
Punto Franco Nuovo - c/o Trieste Marine Terminal - 1° piano - Molo VII - 34100 TRIESTE - ITALY Find the address with Google Maps tel.: 040/303520, fax: 040/311383, e-mail
Interporto Regionale della Puglia - Viale Maestri del Lavoro, 1 - 70123 BARI - ITALY Find the address with Google Maps tel.: (080) 5312011, fax: (080) 5312090, e-mail
Zona Industriale Campi di Sotto - Industriezone Unteracken - Via Fernerbach - Fernerbachstrasse - 39049 CALDERARA DI RENO (BOLOGNA) - ITALY Find the address with Google Maps tel.: (0472) 779007, fax: (0472) 779025, e-mail
Via Filippo Anfuso sn, Zona Industriale - Blocco Palma II - 95121 CATANIA - ITALY Find the address with Google Maps tel.: (095) 7483111, fax: (095) 7483131, e-mail
Via Gobetti - Interporto Spedizionieri - 62012 CIVITANOVA MARCHE (MACERATA) - ITALY Find the address with Google Maps tel.: (0733) 8991, fax: (0733) 899292, e-mail
Via Ficucella - Località Boscorotto 5.1 - 81024 MADDALONI (CASERTA) - ITALY Find the address with Google Maps tel.: (0823) 404001, fax: (0823) 404091, e-mail
Palazzina Centrale - 5° Piano - Terminal Cargo City - 21019 MALPENSA (VARESE) - ITALY Find the address with Google Maps tel.: (02) 58571311, fax: (02) 58571333, e-mail
- Via Raffaele Paolucci 17r/19r - 16129 Genoa - ITALY
phone: +39.010.2462122, fax: +39.010.2516768, e-mail
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher