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Piro (Harbour Authority of the Sardinia North): dark season for tourism
In the first five months of the 2011 ports of Olbia, Golfo Aranci and Porto Torres have enlivened 781,193 passengers (- 18.4%)
June 14, 2011
Last month the ports of the northern Sardinia have recorded a prosecuzione of the trend negative of the traffic of the passengers. If in the port of Golfo Aranci the traffic has been almost stable attesting itself to 59.491 passengers, with an increment of 0.7% on May 2010, in the ports of Olbia and of Porto Torres 149,072 and 52,851 passengers are enlivened respective, with decrease of 29.7% and 17.8% on May 2010.
"We unfortunately continue - the president of the Harbour Authority of the Sardinia North has commented, Paolo Piro - to count losses. We have entered in a difficultly ripercorribile vortex backwards. Less festive bridges, but, above all, general economic crisis, joined to the anachronistic answer of the increase of the prices of tickets, continue to drown a system that, for years, has been revealed sturdy and in constant increase. I have, unfortunately, the fear that this will be a dark season for tourism and, therefore, for the entire isolana economy. The cancellations of the race at the last moment for lack of passengers and the image of the semiempty ports, refute every form of optimism. It does not remain us that to wait for the data of the june month, in order to understand the real course of the season and the results that the flagship company will be able to carry in the attempt to overturn the negative tendency".
In the first five months of the 2011 three Sardinian ports they have enlivened altogether 781,193 passengers, with a decrease of 175.954 units (- 18.4%) regarding the correspondent period last year. The emphasized rate bending more is recorded by the port of Olbia with -21,9%, while to Golfo Aranci the traffic is dropped of 15.4% and to Porto Torres of 9.8%.
The Harbour Authority of the Sardinia North has announced that, instead, the traffic of the goods on rotabili has totaled an increase that in the first five months of this year is pairs to about 130 thousand tons in more regarding the same period of 2010 in arrival and departure to Olbia (+5.2%), that it has totaled 2.618.474 tons, and to 80.220 tons in more to Porto Torres, that it has enlivened altogether 592,816 tons (+15.6%).
Tendency in negative, instead, for the field of the bulk to Porto Torres in the first five months of 2011: it slowly recovers the section of the chemicals ones and refined, than - with 633.376 tons - a +4.62% mark; negative, in spite of the resumption of the month of May (+ 65.1%), handling of the bulk sand banks altogether is diminished of 23.3% to 453.384 tons.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher