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UCINA and BMPS have introduced an analysis of the course of the nautical field
With the crisis the Italian companies of the section more and more aim for the markets foreign countries
October 3, 2011
Yesterday, in the course of the development of 51ª the edition of International the Nautical Hall to the Fair of Genoa, the presentation has been carried out de "the numbers of the nautical one", an analysis of the course of the field elaborated from the Office Studies UCINA, in collaboration with the Department of Economy and Quantitative Methods of the Faculty of Economy of the University of Genoa, and from Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena (BMPS).
In the within of the analysis, the study "the Nautical one in figures, analysis of the market for elaborated year 2010" from UCINA, that it anticipate the main results achieved from the nautical section between which the level of turnover and the quotas production (export and domestic market) and occupation, evidences that in the 2010 export it has represented 67% of the total production, for a value of 1,61 billion in terms of national production regarding 1,16 billion destined at the market Italian. In the study of BMPS on the segment "Ships and boats", centralized on the five districts of Fano, Viareggio, Venice, La Spezia and the pole Trieste/Gorizia, record analogous figures by virtue of a proclivity to the export that, in the period of observation (2005-2010), it has gone progressively growing.
Introducing the presentation, president of UCINA, Anton Francesco Albertoni, it has analyzed the excursus of the nautical section in the past decade emphasizing as the strong increase happened between 2003 and 2008 has created disequilibri is financial that budgetary: "the crisis, however - it has specified - has taught a lot to the enterprises of the field and these have known to react continuing to assign resources to the increase, so much so that the first relative analyses to the 2011 indicate that the reduction has been stopped and that the under way distance is that right one".
According to the study of UCINA, the destined production to the sales in Italy it has a meaningful contraction quickly passing from 2,65 billion 2008 - year in which revolt to the markets exceeded that foreign countries that recorded a weight of 2,33 billion - to 1,16 billion 2010. The study lead from the association finds therefore a substantial reversal of the market shares between Italy and foreign country and testifies that the Italian companies have undertaken the road of the internationalization. Such tendency still more is emphasized if the single field of the shipbuilding one is taken to analysis, where the national production revolt abroad in 2010 has been of 1,26 billion regarding 0,62 billion relative to Italy. In controtendenza the relative segment to the superyacht, that it evidences an estate of the home market, grown of 1,3 points percentages regarding 2009, and that sees a budget in increase to testimony of the excellence of the Made In Italy in this under-section.
To signal also a positive sign for the fields of the accessories and the engines that, having already discounted in a 2009 strong reduction of turnover, have contained the reduction around 5% against -20.9% of the entire section. According to the Office Studies of UCINA, draft of an important indicator of the resumption of the shipbuilding one, if it is considered that the sections of the accessories and the engines are able to anticipate of the trends.
In total terms, in the 2010 nautical one from diporto it has recorded a total turnover of 3,36 billion euros left again in the segments of the shipbuilding one (about 2 billion), of refitting (0,17 billion), the accessories (0,88 billion) and the engines (0,30 billion).
The reduction of the number of attache's directed regarding 2009 has been of 11%, also thanks to the resource to the instrument of the redundancy fund that has allowed with the companies not to disperse the skilled labor, characteristic essential thing of the excellence of the nautical Italian in the world that continues to place itself to the fifth place of the export in classifies of the pulling ahead fields of the Made in Italy.
Introducing the contribution of Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena in the field of the "Ships and boats", comprehensive he is of the nautical one from diporto is of the constructions of ships and floating structures, Giuseppe Alfano, of the Research Area of BMPS, has emphasized that "the analysis of the structure of the business accounts of the societies of capital of the examined districts evidences medium fundamental budgetary more favorable regarding the reference section, even if in I confront emerge relatively greater tensions in terms of conditions of liquidity and financial levels of indebtedness. Moreover, according to data from we elaborated - he has added - our search he evidences as the course of the credit to the manifacturing enterprises in the provinces of reference of the districts shows recovery signs". According to the study, the five examined districts represent in their complex about the half of the production of the national industry, but beyond the two third party of its exports by virtue of more emphasized proclivity to the export.
Confronting the relative contribution of every district to the data aggregate (sum of the five districts), the regional pole of the Friuli stops in the 2010 majority quotas in terms is of production (48%), is of export (58%), thanks to the determining contribution of the site of Monfalcone di Fincantieri. Important incidences are recorded also for the districts of Viareggio (25% and 24%) and La Spezia (19% and 16%), while the relative weight of Fano and Venice is clearly more content.
The study evidences moreover as the profit of the enterprises of the analyzed districts is medium advanced to that of the reference section, graces above all to a greater return on the sales and to a more efficient asset turnover. Except if of Viareggio, the leverage it is systematically more high, mainly for effect of the greater financial weight of the indebtedness, rather than for the level of patrimonializzazione (in three districts on five advanced one to that of the national industry).
The ability to the district companies to face the stock of the debit in economic terms is advanced to the correspondent given national, while in patrimonial terms it is instead more low, with the exception of the regional pole of the Friuli. The liquidity conditions appear more problematic regarding the national industry of reference, with a cycle of the circulating in marked tension, except in the cases of Venice and La Spezia.
The BMPS search at last finds less comforting signs from the point of view of the quality of the credit to the enterprises in the provinces of reference of the considered districts. In the arc of last the four trimesters (March 2010 - March 2011), the rate which annualized decay is only dropped in province of Pesaro Urbino, while in all the other cases are gone up, with the recorded maximum tip in the pole of La Spezia. Always to March 2011, the two provinces of Trieste/Gorizia and Venice are placed beneath of the average national only.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher