Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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Previewed an increase of 348% of the traffic container in the ports NAPA to 2030
The association emphasizes that the adriatic ports must be confirmed between the European priorities
December 6, 2011
The ports of Alto Adriatico have the possibility to succeed in to enliven a annual traffic of the container pairs at least six million teu within 2030, with an increase of 348%. It today evidences a study introduced to the European Parliament from MDS Transmodal, English society of advising in transport to which North Adriatic Ports Association is commissioned by NAPA (). The document is illustrated in occasion of the conference "Baltic Adriatic Corridor connecting Europe and beyond" promoted by Antonio Cancian and with other europarlamentari colleagues Austrians and Poles and with the presence of the city council members to the Transports of the Venetian Region, Renato Chisso, and of the Region Friuli Venice Julia, Riccardo Ricciardi, and of the city council member to the Planning of the Emilia Romagna Region, Paola Gazzolo.
The study demonstrates also that the contendibile market from the ports NAPA, the association that joins the ports of call of Venice, Trieste, Ravenna, Koper and Fiume, is own which the Adriatic-Baltic Sea corridor crosses, involving also the Lombardy and Bavaria and Baden-Wuttenberg.
The association has emphasized as this is a goal to the capacity of the ports NAPA that enjoy best geographic localization in order to connect the economies and the emerged markets of the Far East with Europe and a contribution to the performance of the European strategy in matter of sustainable transports and contained economic increase in the proposal of the Commission "Connecting Europe Facility", a proposal that previews express the ports of the Adriatic North implement own projects of development and their railway connections in order to constitute one of the points of access of Europe with the remainder of the world.
NAPA has emphasized as the decision that inserts Italy and the ports of the Adriatic North between the European priorities will have but to be defended from the Italian government in the next few months also during Parliament and European Council of forehead also to the ports of the Northern Range (Antwerp, Amburgo, Rotterdam) that they above all contest the decision of the EU commission of having a more balanced feeding between North and South coming Europe of the goods from Far East. "To be within to the priority list - it has evidenced the association - it means in fact to have approached the European financings and the other instruments which put on from BEAUTIFUL as the guarantee instrument or project the bond".
NAPA has remembered that the Italian government has embraced this vision with "Decrees saves Italy", approved of Sunday slid from the executive, that it identifies which superpriorities for the infrastructural development for the Country own the selected harbour terminals from the same Europe and allow with the Harbour Authorities "to constitute logistic systems, through actions of understanding and coordination with the regions, the provinces and the municipalities interested let alone with the managers of railway infrastructures". "Draft - it has found the association - of an identity of vision between our Country and the Europe that can only favor the increase and the coherent development of the Italian and European market. To supply therefore support to the realization of the Adriatic-Baltic Sea Corridor, that it previews which terminals to sea own the ports NAPA, obviously answers to the interest of the E regions the interested Member States - Italy and Slovenia today; Croatia shortly - but it answers also to the European interest to at best take advantage of the points of feeding and connection of own market with that total one".
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher