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Trasportounito nozzle an appeal to the haulers to distempered the tension
the prefect of Rome prohibits the not authorized crowds of motor vehicles in proximity of the highway tollbooths
January 24, 2012
It continues the national arrest warrant of the road haulage that seriously hinders the distribution of the goods on the Italian territory and the collection and the delivery of cargos in the ports and the other intermodal centers. The minister of the Inside, Anna Maria Cancellieri, has announced that the government will assume measures in order to attenuate the impact on the citizens and the productive activities of strike of the Tir, that is proclaimed by Trasportounito and which disavowed from all other main trade associations.
One of the governmental measures is assumed by the prefect of Rome, Giuseppe Pecoraro, that it has emitted a decree with which the circulation of the motor vehicles used after the transport of goods prohibits on 27 January from the 24 that they are not destined to the distribution in the Capital or the province, in direction of Rome inside of Major beltway, along all the roads of access to the Capital and in the within of the territory of the same municipality. Moreover the decree of the prefect prohibits the crowds not authorized of motor vehicles in proximity of the highway tollbooths in entrance to Rome. The breach of the decree prefettizia will involve an administrative endorsement pairs to about 200 euros, the withdrawal of the license, the car registration book and the administrative arrest warrant of means.
While Trasportounito has confirmed the national arrest warrant in existence, but an appeal to the adherent haulers has launch "to distempered the tension loosening - it has specified the association - the activity of sensitization in the nodes of the transport in which the protest is being carried out".
"We are conscious of the escalation risks - the general secretary of Trasportounito has explained, Maurizio Longo - and for this reason have supplied to all our associates a precise indication: the haulers stop themselves only whom effectively they want to join to the arrest warrant and to continue in the protest". However Trasportounito has emphasized that the directive one of the association is estimating ulterior modalities of protest not excluded a concentration to coming means Rome from all the Italian regions.
Trasportounito has diffused also documents, that we publish below, with which defends the reasons of the arrest warrant of the road haulage and in which remembers the assertions of the field.
In the moment of the Trasportounito mourning it perceives a double responsibility.
On one side, that to defend the haulers who are manifesting and that after the drama of Asti, is forced to endure the consequences of the total incomprehension of the blind authorities also in front of the unavoidable increase of the tension. A tension that own the government and the police forces would have to contribute from quickly to distempered, while to light of the participations in Campania, seems to happen the exact contrary.
From the other that to defend the truth, than a disinformation campaign it is scientifically distorting.
Here the large ones forge:
Not draft of a wildcat strike. It is announced and authorized in the times of law until by 27 December.
The movement of the Pitchforks that also it has had with the Sicilian road haulage, and the arrest warrant in existence, some assertions in municipality, is started on 16 January. The attempt to lead back the arrest warrant of the national road haulage, to the Movement of the Pitchforks is therefore instrumental and arbitrary.
It is not understood as the protests of who it blocks railroads, freeways and airports, not to mention the blocks of the cities, are in Italy lawful if they are guaranteed by confederal trade-union acronyms and they become illegitimate and wild if to enter the field they are small businessmen, that they at stake have the survival of their companies and their families;
It is easy to speak about irresponsible protests by who, authority and some average, does not know what means the word responsibility.
It is curious as the country and in particular the average that is riconducibili to the leading sector discovers that the road haulage is guilty today, after little hours of arrest warrant, to block the country, but they look at, when the haulers travel day and night on the roads, to salaries and wage from hunger and constant risk failure, emphasizing and chronically undershoot central, irrenounceable the importance well of this service.
It is guilty as nobody reconstructs because of the crisis. Because the road haulage enterprises must travel to inferior rates to the costs that must face. Perhaps because intentionally weak people for being able are maintained contractually to unload on the roads and safety of all the cost of inefficiency of the productive enterprises.
In last the six months other three thousand enterprises are failed and the recent diesel oil increases, freeways, assurances, octrois, have given the final blow, smoothing the road only who is disposed to travel outside from the legality and therefore to many foreign haulers "authorized" tacitly not to respect the times of guide and the basic safety regulations.
It is not TRUE that the government has answered with decrees on the liberalizations, to the assertions of the category. The only tangible measure regards the octrois, that they are reimbursed to three months and not to a year and means. But the trimestralità does not resolve the problem of the exposure financial institution: 190 euros for every thousand liters of diesel oil that are anticipated today against a reimbursement happen really to the month of june 2011. He would be reasonable instead to allow the curtailment of the reimbursement directly in invoice. But on the issue fuel all the relative chapter to the industrial cost (highest of Europe would have to be opened after Great Britain).
It is not TRUE that I decree on the liberalizations, for other solo fired from the Council of Ministers and not landed in Parliament, previews reductions in price on the diesel oil, the assurances or the highway tolls. While these are generic engagements for the future, the increases of the tolls or the assurances are already a real gift that the government has made to concessionaires and the insurance agencies and that they are applied in all respects. The reductions in price to the tollbooth, by chance, are only guaranteed of the "consortia" that they operate from intermediaries on the market of the road haulage.
It is not TRUE that the road haulage is declared satisfied from 400 million euros put on from the Government. They are years the State distributes money that does not serve to structure the enterprises. 1000 euros to truck represent a modicum regarding the indebtedness of the road haulage enterprises (10 billion euros). The money must give to the market with laws series to them and serious controls.
Trasportounito the applicabilità of the norms launched from the precedence gives beyond a year denunciation not government that preview the acknowledgment to the road haulage of rates parametrate on the minimal cost of management of the service of transport to guarantee of street safety. These norms are not applicable for as they are formulated; therefore they are not applied, to the pairs of those which they would have to guarantee to the haulers sure times of payment by the industrial committenza.
The norms are equally inapplicable that preview the emolument of the road haulage when the trucks are forced to hours of attended in interposing to you, in the ports or the centers of the great distribution.
In these months the State had been engaged to carry out severe controls on the committenza, that is on who it uses the transport services, in order to verify it is the corresponsabilità for transports to carry out to you outside from the legal regulations, is the direct responsibility for the confidence of the irregular, illicit transports to and false communitarian enterprises. All this has not happened. The State prefers to hit the "little ones" haulers, rather than the Outsourcers.
Diesel oil: the trimestralizzazione of the octrois does not resolve the problem of the exposure financial institution of the enterprises that do not have the money in order to buy the diesel oil. Therefore the immediate recovery wonders directly for the octrois reimbursement in purchase invoice, or however to avoid the advance of such cost since the enterprises they do not have liquidity to finance; impositions to the companies for the reduction of the cost of the diesel oil; incentives for purchases collectives.
Costs Minimums of safety: the norm that allows the minimal rate of safety, introduced in 2008 and returned operating from 2009 Is INAPPLICABLE, because formulated in complicated way and with a completely inadequate system of controls and endorsements. Less tables, zero formulas, certainty of the right wonder. To it obligation not to go in front of the judge for the recovery of the costs. The State must carry out automatic controls in the companies outsourcers with Authority of control in a position to endorsing “really” the committenza that does not respect the law.
Payments in sure Times and certainty of the Credit: payments required to 30 gg for all the row of the transport. The State guarantees (modifying Legge 127/2010) the certainty of the payment with severe controls near the committenza and entrusting the compulsory collection own Institute (as in Switzerland). Today the law previews the payment to 60 days from the invoice date but, so as formulated, it is not respected, and the payments of the services are medium to 120 days.
Emolument Times of Attended: to rewrite rules (127/2010), affording to the hauler to invoice the waits from the arrival to the refuel/defuel place, based on the tachigrafici data.
Controls and Endorsements to the Irregular ones: to regulate the market with simple and systematic verifications, heavy endorsements on Outsourcers and Carriers also when they entrust irregular, illicit transports to, and false communitarian enterprises.
Elimination of the intermediation “Without Truck”: prohibition to invoice services of Road haulage to who it does not possess industrial vehicles (50%).
Exemption SISTRUM: from it obligation of adaptation to the tracking system of the not dangerous refusals, for all the Small and Averages enterprises of the Road haulage.
Immediate reduction in price to the tollbooth on the highway expenses: modifying the system of reimbursement previewed from the Central Committee of the White one that sends back to two years such opportunity, to benefit only of the “intermediary consortia”.
Control costs insurance: determination of specific rules for the RC of the field vehicles goods, in order to fix a ceiling price the indiscriminate increases.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher