Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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UCINA will collaborate to the realization of a nautical hall to cadence anniversary in the Chinese province of Hainan
Protocol of understanding with the premises Department of Industry and Information Technology
February 2, 2012
UCINA Nautical Confindustria has signed to Genoa a protocol of understanding with the Department of Industry and Information Technology (DIH) of the province of Hainan for the realization, beginning from 2013, of a nautical hall to cadence anniversary in the Chinese province.
The agreement, undersigned from the president of UCINA, Anton Francesco Albertoni, and from the general manager of the DIH, Qiang Liao, previews, besides the consulenziale contribution of UCINA for the organization of the new nautical hall, the support of the Italian association to the Chinese authorities for the study and the editing of the legal technical regulation of the boats and the ships from diporto, comprised that destined to commercial use (charter), the definition of possible relative collaborations to the planning and realization of the system of navy of the province of Hainan and the promotion of B2B encounters between associates UCINA and Chinese investor interested to make use ofthe opportunities offered from the understanding.
The definition of the operating agreements will be entrusted a bilateral working group UCINA - DIH that will be constituted shortly and to whose sat, previewed it is in Italy is in China, will be able to participate as observatories also the representatives of companies, agencies and associations is Italians who Chinese.
"This protocol of understanding - Albertoni has commented - is born with the objective to supply a concrete contribution to national the nautical industry in the search of new opportunities of business in a market from the perspective important of increase as that Chinese. Draft of an important sign of the interest of the Chinese authorities for the Italian nautical section, whose value and oneness respect to other world-wide industries return it priority and sinergico to the tourist and industrial development in China".
"I consider - Qiang Liao has declared - the happened encounter very positive, excellent foundation for the initiatives that will be able to be realized through the agreement which signed with UCINA: the Italian companies are and will be the welcomes to Hainan".
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher