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Filt Cgil, alarming the impact of the crisis on the shippers and the marine agencies of Genoa
The union asks the Harbour Authority to assume a direction role in order to characterize strategies for protecting the job
February 14, 2012
Filt Cgil denunciation the alarming impact of the crisis on the shipment houses and the marine agencies of Genoa and asks the Harbour Authority to assume a direction role in order to characterize strategies for protecting the job.
"In these days - Laura Tosetti of the genoese secretariat of the union has explained - the data of handlings of the teus are published in the Italian ports. Genoa turns out, fortunately, to the first place. That piece of world of work strongly legacy to the port, that of the shippers, the shipping agents, the road haulage, of the couriers, what ago "to move" the containers not with the cranes from the ship to earth, but from a customer to the other, a city to the other, a Country to the other, but it is strongly in crisis. The job of the union in this field - it has found - is by now exclusively that to sign agreements of redundancy fund in exception (most times to zero hours) or of ndemnity of mobility in exception (equal lay-offs at the end of the previewed period of cover). It is well to remember it: the companies of this field are not covered by the ordinary shocks-absorber".
"We have favorably received - it has continued the representative of Filt Cgil - the engagement of president Luigi Merlo, whom elected for its second term president of the Harbour Authority of Genoa and to which we renew the wishes of good job, on the job that must be intended as "increase, guarantee, constructive dialogue". The logistics is a priority for throws again of the competitiveness of Italy and our city. Infrastructures, transports, territorial development, environmental sustainability (topic that only returns after dramas in order then to disappear in the dimenticatoio) are the elements that they characterize the logistic challenge of our Country, of our city, our port and all the companies, shippers, shipping agents, broker. We consider but that a lot can and must be made in order to determine not more extended politics of the transports. It is right to think and to head for the innovation, but the feeling, often, is that someone wants instead to speculate or to take advantage of sure contingencies in order to only shrink the rights of who works".
"As union - Laura Tosetti has asserted - we consider is necessary alliance politics, between union and enterprises; on one side in order to push on a national level on politics of the transports and the logistics (the absence of politics of the transports he is to the origin of good part of inefficiencies of our logistic system and this ripercuote negatively on our territory). From the other, to local level in order to interrupt the tendency to fragment of productive companies and cycles and above all in order to put in synergy all the interlocutors who rotate around the port. A job of synthesis between the interested subjects is indispensable in order to characterize strategies of together, not limiting itself more to the protection than niche. We believe that the direction of this task can be carried out from the Harbour Authority that it has made and it is trying to make of the innovation and the quality the hinge of the development of our city and our port. And the union must be one of these subjects. On these topics to November Cgil has made a convention and has indicated in the development of the logistics an opportunity of qualified occupation for Genoa".
"We address president Merlo - he has concluded Laura Tosetti - in order to activate a table of I confront for this field. For the union it is indispensable that every productive model, for the economic increase of our city, is not disconnected by the protection of the rights of the workers. It is for that when we signal trade associations who some operators use instruments not always respectful of the norms, or they use covered "improper" our scope is not only that of protecting the workers. To make to emerge these situations is useful also in order to safeguard those enterprises, the majority, that they respect laws and contracts. We consider that own for the peculiarity of the enterprises that operate in this section, enterprises of services whose added value, in good part, is represented by the dependent and their professionality, to construct to entirety better working conditions - normative and economic - is a effort that can carry benefits to the companies. Most times the attempts of the union in so far as do not find answers in the name of a total business discrezionalità that, let us say it, only use the union as "sure landing place" when the sea is in storm and therefore in the difficulty conditions".
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