hours 09.30 |
Recording Participants |
10.00 |
Salutes of President WISTA Italy Dott.ssa Daniela Fara |
To follow: |
| Presentation of the convention Moderator Dr. Paolo Lidonni, Director Trasporti Courier |
Dr. Salvatore D' Amico: "The Shipowner today: as untying between normative complex and market in crisis" |
Dr. Luca Sisto: "The testimonies collections from Trade association of the Italian Armament: what reserves the future" |
C.V. Aurelio Caligiore: "Controls on the marine traffic in proximity of the coasts" |
Avv. Francesca D' Orsi: "Convention of London and Italian Legge in rescue matter: application co-existence and problems " |
Coffee-Break |
Avv. Alberto Rossi: "Nautical services between communitarian right and straight inside. Pro#li antitrust" |
Avv. Valerio Scarsi: "MARPOL ANNEX YOU - Compatibility with the national and communitarian norm" |
Ing Marco Andreola: "Propulsion to natural gas for Marina Mercantile" |
Ing Nicolò Reggio: "IMO Tails versus Dlgs 271/99" |
Conclusions of the convention: Dr. Paolo Lidonni |