09.00 |
Recording coffee participants and welcome |
09.15 |
Guided tour (in coach) to installations RFID near the harbour and interportuali gate ones |
10.15 |
Salutes of opening and introductory considerations |
Giuliano Gallanti President of the Harbour Authority of Livorno |
Marco Susini President Interporto Toscano "To. Vespucci" PLC |
10.30 |
The development of TRIES and the European corridors trans in the communitarian programs and the regional strategies. Project MOS4MOS: achieved objectives and operating results from the development of the prototypes and the carried out experimentations. The platform Tuscan Port Community System (TPCS) |
Antonella Querci Managing Strategic Development, Harbour Authority of Livorno |
Gate technology RFID UHF for automation, control seals and secure corridor between harbour and inteportuali areas |
Claudio Bertini Director Tecnico, Interporto Toscano "To. Vespucci" PLC |
Capitalization of projects of regional interest: |
I-CUBE – Infra & Info Structures for Intermodality Enrico Becattini Managing Mobility and Logistics, Tuscany Region |
MED.I.T.A. - Mediterranean Information Traffic Application Adriano Poggiali Managing Programming and Search, Tuscany Region |
11.30 |
Coffee break |
12.00 |
ROUND TABLE: The Technological Innovation in support of the development of the Transeuropee Nets and the intermodal corridors. |
Moderator Vezio Benetti Messenger Marittimo |
They take part: |
| Enrico Maria Pujia Director Generale Marine Transport Ministry of Infrastructures and the Transports Luca Ceccobao City council member Infrastrutture and Mobiltà, Tuscany Region Gianfranco Brosco Director Regionale Agency of Customs Luciano Pannocchia Managing director Interporto Toscano A.Vespucci S.p.A. Michele Miniati Informative director Sistemi Terminal Dock Tuscany S.r.l. Giovanni Bonadio Managing director Logistica Tuscany Scrl Nicola Di Batte Administrator Delegato of Giorgio Gori S.r.l. Marco Corti President of the Kortimed S.r.l. |
13.00 |
Lunch |