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The REGIONAL ADMINISTRATIVE COURT Latium has cancelled the award of Siremar to Company of the Islands
Received the resource introduced from Society Sicilian Navigation (Ustica Lines and Charon & Tourist)
June 11, 2012
The Regional administrative court for the Latium, with deposited sentence past thursday that we publish below, has received the resource introduced from the Society Sicilian Navigation (SNS), society constituted from Ustica Lines and Charon & Tourist, and has cancelled the award happened in the October 2011 of the company Siremar Sicily Marine Regional Society to the Company of Islands (CDI), society participated indirectly and in minority way from the Sicilian Region that - second the judges of the REGIONAL ADMINISTRATIVE COURT - for such acquisition has received an illegitimate aid of State returned through the which released performance of a controgaranzia bank from the Sicilian Region to the UniCredit. The judges have considered “the circumstance that the controgaranzia of the Region is not examined and has been, successively to the award, which revoked insignificant”.
IN THE NAME OF ITALIAN PEOPLEThe Regional administrative court for Lazio
(Terza Ter Section)
it has pronounced anticipates
sul resource number of general registry 9686 of 2011, integrated from reasons added, proposed gives: Society of Sicilian Navigation Spa, in person of the legal representative pro tempore, represented and defended from the avv. Angelo Clarizia, Federico Tedeschini, Andrea Abbamonte, Carlo Morace, with address which elected near the study of the Prof. Avv. Angelo Clarizia in Rome, via Prince Clotilde, 2;
Siremar Sicily Regional Society Marine Spa, in person of the legal representative pro tempore, represented and defended from the avv. Aristide Police, Marco Annoni, Andrea Zoppini, Vincenzo Di Vilio, with address which elected near the study of the Prof. Avv. Aristide Police in Rome, via of Villa Sacchetti, 11;
Ministry of the Economic Development, in person of the Minister pro tempore, represented and defended from the General Legal profession of the State, domiciled for law in Rome, via of the Portugueses, 12;
Company of the Spa Islands, in person of the legal representative pro tempore, rappresentatoe defended from the avv. Fabio Cintioli, Giuseppe Gitto, Mario Santaroni, Massimiliano Mangano, Giovanni Fabio Licata, with address which elected near the study of prof. the Avv. Fabio Cintioli, in Rome via Pays wages to 259;
and with the participation of
Holding Mediterranean of Navigation s.p.a., in person of the legal representative pro tempore, represented and defended from the avv. Stefano Vinti and Corinna Fedeli, with address which elected near their study in Rome, via Emilia 88;
for the cancellation
-) of the actions all of the procedure mail in being from the Extraordinary Administration Tirrenia/former Siremar art. 3 D.L. 347/03 for the cession of the branch of company of Siremar s.p.a already take part of the Tirrenia Group, included the acquired opinions of the Committee of Surveillance there;
-) of I decree MSE - To say Gen. for Industrial Politics - prot. n. 192963 of the 14.10.2011 of authorization to Commissioner Straordinario to the acceptance of the supply and demand formalized in date 13.10.2011 from Company of the Islands s.p.a.;
-) of the actions all which foreordained to the definition of the procedure included the precedence there MSE notes (note MSE 8.9.2011, note MSE 26.9.2011, note MSE 29.9.2011) if and as considered lesive of the interest of the recurrent one;
-) of the ollowing conclusive provision of the procedure adopted from the A.S of the Group Tirrenia/Siremar of award of the procedure in question, and stipulated contracted ollowing with Company of the Islands between 14 and 20.10.2011;
-) if and as it can be necessary of the provisions of the Sicily Region of disowned number and date to means of which are proceeded:
alla Holding Mediterranean constitution s.p.a;
alla participation to the procedure of public evidence of which sub 1) to means of Company of the Islands s.p.a.;
del provision of Accountant Generale of the Sicily Region of the 3/4.8.2011 of release of fideiussoria guarantee before demanded in favour of Unicredit s.p.a.;
of every other action which foreordained to the violation of the norms of public evidence that has lead the Sicily Region in the indirect participation, but substantial, to the contest procedure in question.
del provision of Accountant Generale of the Sicily Region of the 12.10.2011 of release of guarantee in favour of Unicredit spa,
Let alone,
for the invalidity declaratory judgement/inefficiency of the contract of cession of the branch of company the stipulated with the CDI - of number and date disowned and consequent statuizione of the obligation of subingresso of the recurrent one in the same contract.
Seen the added and relative resource, reasons the attached ones;
Seen the certificates of incorporation in judgment of Siremar Sicilian Regional Shipping Company Spa and Ministry of Mediterranean the Economic Development and Associates Holding Spa;
Seen the certificate of incorporation di in judgment and the recurrent incident resource proposed from incident the Associates Company of the Spa Islands;
Seen the defensive memories;
Approvals all the actions of the cause;
Reporter in the public audience of the day 27 April 2012 Dr. Giampiero Lo Presti and hearings for the parts the defenders like specified in the minutes;
Considered and considered in fact and right how much follows.
With the resource indicated in epigraph the Society of Sicilian Navigation (SNS) has appealled the actions of the procedure of sale of the branch of company of the Siremar in A.S., as announced publicly from Commissioner Straordinario p.t second the lines it guides supplied from PUT.
As a result of the invitation to manifest interest to the purchase of Ramo from Commissioner Straordinario p.t of the Siremar in AS, date 04.10.2010, was introduced five demands for participation to the procedure de quo; the competitors were invited therefore, in date 02.02.2011, to introduce the supply and demand of Ramo - “irrevocable, unconditioned and binding” - within the 15.03.2011.
Aforesaid Alla date, indicated from the AS, was introduced a single supply and demand of Ramo from the competitor Ustica Lines S.p.A.: such offer, but, did not contain the engagement to the payment of the fee indicated from the procedure, but only to the overload of all the afferent debits Ramo.
For its part, the Mediterranean society Holding S.p.A deposited only a letter with which the same one confirmed own interest to the procedure and, however, it contested the appraisal managed from the independent expert in order at the price of purchase.
Neither documents introduced from the competitors were considered consistent with previewed how much from the letter of procedure of the 02.02.2011 and Commissioner Straordinario it arranged therefore, the 21.03.2011, the reopening of the terms for all the five subjects admitted to the phase of two diligence, that they came, therefore, invited to introduce eventual new offered within the 05.04.2011, then postponed to the 06.04.2011. In the foretold term, Ustica Lines deposited a declaration with which it attested own availability to introduce a respectful offer of the terms and the conditions dictated from the procedure, asking contextually a delay for the term for the predisposition of the necessary financings, while the society Company of Islands (“CDI”), participated from Holding Mediterranean S.p.A., formulated a supply and demand of Ramo at the price of € 60.100.000, 00.
Commissioner Straordinario formulated however to the Ministry of the Economic Development a demanded new - in date 18.04.2011 - of reopening of the procedure regarding all the subjects admitted to the phase of two diligence on the foundation that the CDI offer, also previewing a purchase price of advanced nominal value to that indicated in the skill of appraisal returned from Bank S.p.A. Profile, indicated a payment for the majority in delayed way and according to modality and to conditions such for returning the amount of the offered fee uncertain. The Request of Commissioner Straordinario was received by PUT with note prot. 0103252 of the 10.05.2011. The Advisor therefore with new letter of invitation formulated to the competitors the invitation to propose, within the new term of the 23.05.2011, eventual migliorative supply and demands regarding the CDI offer.
In sight of the new term for the presentation of the offers, the societies Ustica Lines S.p.A and Charon & Tourist S.p.A communicated to the procedure of wanting to introduce a combined supply and demand by means of the society of new constitution Society Navigation Sicilian S.p.A. (“SNS”), constituted and participated in the measure of 50% from each of they.
SNS offered an amount of € 55.100.000, 00, beyond interests, while CDI maintained own offered precedence of € 60.100.000 firm, 00, comprehensive of interests.
As a result of the analysis of the offers introduced from the two competitors, the extraordinary Commissioner found the necessity to demand, to everyone of they, clarifications and integrations on the respective productions; the term in case of necessity was fixed for the 10.06.2011.
Nel course of the public new sat of opening of envelopes SNS supplied the indicated integrating clarifications from the procedure, while CDI formulated an offered new, increasing the fee for the purchase of Ramo to € 69.000.000, 00, beyond interests.
The AS considered the documentation produced from the competitors still not sufficient, with detail with regard to requirement of patrimonializzazione of the same ones, let alone approximately the sources of financing and, consequently, it invited SNS and CDI to supply, within the 18.7.2011, new documents.
Everyone of the competitors supplied therefore the demanded documentation and, on the offers so defined, pronounced the Advisor a first turns the 04.07.2011 (with reference to the offers of the 10.06.2011) and a second one turns the 26.07.2011, evidencing in particular that:
- “while deep SNS have supplied evidence of the available ones in order to tackle to such implementations, CDI has, various, supplied partial evidence to care”;
- “the part of offered price to the closing from SNS, pairs to Euro 30,1 million, integrally is covered by sources financial institutions…, while the part of offered price to the closing from CDI, pairs to Euro 20 million, is not supported by adapted to evidence of the means availabilities own” (p. 3 of the Addendum of the 26.07.2011);
- “the offered price from CDI is advanced to that offered from single SNS in nominal terms while an adapted weighting of the degree of aleatorietà inborn in the two offers returns the offered price from more favorable SNS” (p. 5 of the Addendum of the 26.07.2011);
- in the CDI offer “the associates limit to a responsibility assumption for-quota for obligation assumed to it”.
In date 05.08.2011, CDI sent to the Ministry of the Economic Development an availability declaration to replace the surety bond which released from Commercial Fidi - Consortium Guarantee, with a which released bank surety bond before demanded from UniCredit, attached to the same declaration according to a controgaranzia in favor of the Bank from the Sicilian Region.
On such integrating documentation they were pronounced in date 11.08.2011 is the Advisor that the advisers of the procedure which, in particular, considered that the documentation over described, as introduced successively upon maturity of the final deadline fixedly assigned, had to be considered irricevibile to the aims of the award of the procedure, to guarantee of the principles of treatment parity and not discrimination to the damages of the other offering subject.
In date 29.08.2011, the Committee of Surveillance authorized the award of Ramo to SNS, on the task that the sent integrating documentation from CDI was late and as such irricevibile and, moreover, than the controgaranzia released from the Sicilian Region it constituted aid of State, subject to notification to the European Community.
The Ministry of the Economic Development, moreover, with note of the 8.9.2011 asked clarifications on the cover financial institution for the offer for CDI with detail reference is to the subscription of the capital increase, is to the validity of the guarantee which released from Unicredit.
In date 09.09.2011, the Advisor financial of the procedure invited the two competitors to introduce - within the 13.09.2011 - attesting documentation the delay of the which released guarantees and, meanwhile, UniCredit invited to supply precisazioni with respect to the guarantee which released in its favor from the Sicilian Region also in consideration of the fact that the amount guaranteed from the Region still did not turn out mentioned in the budget of the same one.
Foretold Nel term SNS deposited declaration of delay of the guarantees which released from the financial institutions backers, while CDI deposited also the engagement of the associates to the subscription of the increase of capital already deliberated the 13.7.2011, let alone copy of the missive separately managed from Unicredit in favour of the procedure in order to return the clarifications demanded in order to the fideiussorio engagement assumed the 05.08.2011.
In date 26.09.2011 IT PUT asked the Prime Minister's Office indications with respect to legitimacy for the documentation introduced from CDI, with which released detail reference to the controgaranzia from the Sicilian Region; the Presidency citing a communication of the EC on the application of the articles. 87 and 88 of the Ec treaty [today articles. 107 and 108 Treaty on the Operation of the European Union] on the aids of State granted as guarantee, declared that in this case subordinate to its sieve could have shaped an aid of State is with reference to the guarantee which released from the Region, are “at the level of the guarantor of first level” because the controgaranzia of the Region it could have benefitted Unicredit respect to other banks.
The 29.09.2011 the Advisor arranged therefore to an ulterior reopening of the procedure, inviting the competitors to introduce eventual new offered migliorative binding, supplying indications on the modalities of presentation of the demanded guarantees.
Public All'ultima sat of the 13.10.2011 SNS restated own offer of the 23.05.2011, while CDI introduced offered migliorativa pairs to € 69.150.000, 00 (beyond interests) and, contextually, deposited new documentation of support, in particular comprising a letter of engagement of UniCredit to the release of guarantee for the payment of the part delayed of price (approximately € 35.000.000, 00) more not conditioned to the controgaranzia of the Region.
The 14.10.2011 met the Committee of Surveillance, which expressed, also on the escort of the opinion returned from the advisor and the advisers of the procedure, opinion favorable to the award of Ramo to CDI.
With provision prot. 0192963 of the 14.10.2011, PUT authorized Commissioner Straordinario to accept the CDI offer.
The award came therefore disposed regarding Company of the Islands.
All the actions pregressi, for like best indicated in epigraph, are appealled by today's the recurrent one with entrusted main resource to various censorships.
With a first group of censorships, the recurrent one assumes that the procedure would have had to close own advantage, with cession of the branch to its favor, to the public sitting of the 18 July 2011, like proposed from the advisor, without it could be proceeded to a new invitation to offer.
The various determination of Commissioner Straordinario, on consistent authorization of the Ministry, would have implied, second the recurrent one, a violation of the transparency principles and not discrimination, as well as of the principle of the autovincolo.
With according to group of censorships it is hurt then of the fact that the constitution of the Company of the Islands spa, let alone the constitution of its main associate, Holding Mediterranean S.p.A., would have happened in allegated violation of procedimentali rules relating to the modalities of selection of the private associate.
Consequently also the constitution of the new subject, Company of the Islands, would turn out in contrast with the principles of the public evidence, and the participation to the procedure for the cession of the Siremar illegittimamente would be benefitted by the presence, between the associates, of Sicily Region (that it controls with Holding Mediterranean majority participation, CDI associate) that, moreover, like titular subject of functions of programming, coordination and vigilance of the economic services of general interest, cannot then participate, neither in indirect way, to the management of the foretold services.
With the third group of reasons the modalities with which Company of the Islands are censured it has introduced own offer in the procedure, with detail reference to the CD. controgaranzia lend from the Sicily Region.
The performance of a controgaranzia from the Region, as condition for the release from the financial institution Unicredit of the engagement to assume an independent guarantee before demanded from reference to the entire amount for which the delay of the payment was previewed in the offer, would have compromise the parity of competition in the procedure, integrating the ends of an aid of not notified illegitimate state because to the EU commission.
The performance of a controgaranzia would be moreover illegitimate from the Region for the entire price, and therefore for a clearly advanced amount to the same quota regional participation in the social compages of CDI.
With resource for added reasons, it is appealled at last the document, best indicated in epigraph, known successively to the premise of the main resource, from which it would turn out that, in spite of the engagement to assume surety bond lend from Unicredit and produced from final CDI united to the last binding offer it did not make more reference to controgaranzia of the Region as the condition for the release of the guarantee, however said controgaranzia it was offered and it was operating to the date of the appraisal of the offers until the conclusion of the procedure.
United to the cancellation of the appealled actions, the recurrent one insists therefore for the cancellation and/or the declaration of inefficiency of the contract stipulated with the CDI and for the compensation of the damages.
They have been formed in Siremar judgment in a.s., the Ministry of the Economic Development, besides Company of the Islands and Holding Mediterranean, insisting all for the refusal of the encumbrance.
CDI has also proposed resorted incident, supporting the bastardy of the lacked exclusion the recurrent offer from the inferior procedure because to the previewed and not assisted minimal amount from the prescribed guarantees.
Public Alla audience of the day 27 April 2012, restated the defensive memories all, the parts has asked that the cause was withheld for the decision in the merit.
A). It is preliminarily necessary to examine the issues of inammissibilità of the main resource raised by the resistant ones.
A first issue regards the inammissibilità of the encumbrance in the part in which (particularly with the first reason of resource) it is assumed that the procedure would have had to arrest itself and to conclude itself with the cession in favour of Society of Sicilian Navigation (SNS) as a result of the proposal of formulated award in favour of the same one from the extraordinary Commissioner, with relative request to the Ministry of the economic Development, in date 1.9.2011.
The recurrent thesis, in fact, would have had to imply the bastardy, with the consequent burden of timely impugnation, of the successive action in date 29.9.2011 with which instead the Commissioner, by authority received ministerial, it has invited the participants to an ulterior improvement of the respective offers.
A lacked impugnation the cited determination, neither from the formal point of view in the epigraph of the resource, neither tantomeno with appropriate censorships that can be said substantially against of it directed, would return the resource partially inadmissible here.
The task cannot be shared from the College.
The decision of the extraordinary Commissioner to carry out for the third time a invitation to offer and to speed up once again an improvement of the offers constitutes in indubitable way the object of the indicated doglianze, whereby recurrent part comes to the location of the reasons by right for which, to its to say, the procedure would have had to arrest itself in an antecedent phase.
The action moreover is express cited in the epigraph of the resource to point c).
Neither the censorship can be considered inadmissible for genericità or lacked indication the norms that are assumed violated, considered that the thesis by right supported is absolutely clear and precise, and articulated around the denounced violation of the transparency principles and not discrimination that, according to art. the 4 of the D.L. 347/2003, must conform the development of the cession operations.
It is assumed then, always in via preliminary matter, than the same impugnation of the actions all burdened in main way would be late as I decree of the Ministry of the Economic Development of authorization to the sale to the society Company of the 14 Islands is of October 2011, while the resource would be only notified in date 17 November 2011.
Considered that with the resource it comes also demanded the cancellation and/or the declaratory judgement of inefficiency of the contract, one considers therefore the inammissibilità and/or inadmissibility of the proposed resource that, in reason of the special ritual, it would have had to be notified within the term of 30 days of the emanation of the actions appealled in main way.
The thesis cannot be shared from the College, considered that the ritual is not applicable to the fattispecie under investigation of which to art. the 119 of the code of the administrative process that regards, own in reason of its specialty (and the forecast of derogatori terms regarding those ordinaries) to the sun matters express previewed there, between which they do not figure the procedures of cession disciplined by the norm of which to the D.L. 347/03.
It cannot not even not be shared the exception of backwardness of the turned impugnation adverse the actions of the procedure of 5 April 2011, 23 May 2011, 11 june 2011, 18 July 2011 and, last, of the 29 september 2011, for lacked respect is of the special term of thirty days, than of the ordinary term of sixty days, considered however that the interest to the impugnation of the internal actions of the procedure has been realized to the outcome of the same one, with the adoption of the award.
For analogous reasons the constitution of the Holding Mediterranean society also goes disregarded the exception of inammissibilità for backwardness of the censorships proposed adverse, argued in reason of the happened publication (also by publicity on the more important daily paper) of the deliberation of the Regional committee of 9 February 2010 that fixed the modalities of constitution of the society today contested.
It goes found in fact that the interest to the impugnation rises in reason of the fact that Mediterranean Holding takes part of the social compages of Company of the Islands and it is correlated directly to the award of the procedure from this last one achieved and object of the main resource.
The inammissibilità of the proposed impugnation is eccepita at last, with the added reasons, adverse the provision of Accountant Generale of the Sicily region of 12 October 2011, with which it is supplied controgaranzia for the which released guarantee, to the aims of the procedure de here, from Unicredit Bank in the interest of Company of the islands, as directed adverse a considered provision nonexistent.
The issue will be deepened during examination of the merit of the censorship reasons.
It goes immediately but found that, as it emerges from the note of Unicredit of 3 February 2012, in actions, and for which “the controgaranzia of the 12.10.2011 is given back” and from the note of Accountant Generale in 31 date January 2012 second which the action has been withdrawal object, to the date in which the added reasons they are forwarded for the notification to means mails (24 January the 2012) action was still existing, being supplied does not try some of the risalenza of the withdrawal to a moment precedence.
The supervened withdrawal, also being profitable improcedibile, the demand for cancellation of the action, for supervened deficiency of interest, do not exclude admissibility of the added reasons with which moreover, as a result of the taken part acquaintance of the action de quo, the censorships are restated and articulated in ulterior way (of which already to the fourth reason of the main resource) explained in relation to the guarantee introduced within the procedure from Company of the Islands.
B). The lacked exclusion from the procedure can therefore be proceeded to the examination of the censorships proposed with the adverse resource incident the recurrent one, which hire prejudicial character second the principles of which to the Plenary session of the Council of State of 7 April 2011 n. 4.
It assumes Company of the islands, recurrent incident in the first instance, than the Society of Sicilian Navigation it would have had to be excluded for to have introduced a evidently inferior offer to the value of the assets object of alienation characterized from the organs of the extraordinary administration.
The recurrent final offer of the main one, of 13 October 2011 (moreover in compliance with that of the 18 July 2011), previewed a total amount of euro 55.100.000, 00, but with payment delayed (euros 30.100.000, 00 successively to the placing of the contract, euro 10.000.000, 00 after three years, euro 7.500.000, 00 after six years and euros 7.500.00, 00 after eight years) with interests to match on the sums delayed pairs to the test of 1.5%.
It assumes recurrent incident that, discounting the offer with the indicated, comprehensive delay also of the interests, to the discount rate indicated in the invitation letter pairs to 6.7%, the effective amount would be pairs to euro 49.242,290, the 00, with a present value of the nominal price, to clearly of the delay interests, pairs to the euro 47.878.720, 00, therefore inferior at the best minimal indicated in the invitation letter, in relation to the skill of the independent appraiser on the fair market value of the company unit cession object.
The offer of Society of Sicilian Navigation would be set therefore in open and evident contrast with the dispositions of which to articles 62, codicil third, of I decree legislative 8 July 1999, n. 270 and 4, codicil fourth quater, of the bill 23 Decembers 2003, n. 347 and would have had therefore to be sure excluded from the procedure.
The thesis is not shared by the College.
The offered amount, also with reference to the interests prescribed for the sums delayed, is in compliance with the prescription of the procedure.
The application to the amounts for which the delay in the payment of the discount rate is previewed not is previewed in the letter of invitation to the aims of the quantification of the prescribed minimal amount to exclusion pain, which is reported to the nominal amount; while the compensating mechanism of the value of the sums whose payment is deferred in the time is entrusted to the system of the interests.
The explicit reference to the operation of reduction in price of the offered amount is previewed, in the letter of invitation to formulate the final (29.9.2011), “for a reason or purpose informative” binding offer and “in the within of the economic appraisal of the final offer”, while in no other action of the procedure makes reference the brought up-to-date value of the offer, rather than to that noun, to the aims of the verification of admissibility of the offer under the profile of the demanded minimal amount; quite, in explicit way, in the note of the advisor of the 26.7.2011, in actions, like in the successive one in date 13.9.2011, the update of the present value of the offers, for which payments delayed in the time, entrusted to the mechanism of the reduction in price to the indicated rate 6.7% are previewed (that it allows to assume the present value of relative credits to payments delayed in reason of the presumable price of cession offered from the bank system), express is only considered like criterion of appreciation of the convenience of the offers in a perspective of mere comparazione of the same ones.
Anyway, art. the 4 codicil 4 quater of the D.L. 347/2003, whereby prescribe that the cession cannot happen to an inferior price to that of market, seem to make reference own to the offered nominal price; cosicchè', in lack of a various and explicit indication in the lex specialis for the hypotheses of delayed payment, the extraordinary Commissioner could not have proceeded to the exclusion of the recurrent offer of the main one, to the stregua of the update of its value, also considered that the reduction in price of the delayed amounts sends back to merely eventual circumstances as the cession of the relative credits and the presumablly attainable price on the bank market.
With according to reason of incident resource, Company of the Islands assumes that the SNS offer would not be assisted by the guarantees previewed with the last letter of invitation, as not placed side by side from a valid and current surety bond regarding the delayed payment.
The reason is groundless.
The letter of invitation of the 29.9.2011, in outcome to which the last final binding offers are supplied, prescribed, to pain of inammissibilità, besides the letter of engagement, from a primary credit institution, to the release, within the date of transfer of Ramo, of an independent surety bond before demanded to integral guarantee of the punctual and exact payment of the delayed amounts, the production of a bank guarantee before demanded for Euro 5.000.000,00, to guarantee of the punctual and exact implementation of all the assumed engagements and the obligations with the Final Binding Offer, that is the delay of the bank guarantee already produced united to the offered precedence, with the precisazione that such delay is disposed in relation to the Final Binding Offer, until the day 29 October 2011.
The mentioned prescription only turns out reported but to the formulation case, from the competitors, of a final offered new, migliorativa regarding the precedence and permissible; for this last hypothesis in fact the invitation letter united imposed the reformulation of letters of engagement to the release of the surety bond before demanded to guarantee of the execution (a evidently reported to the new and greater offered amount) and new bank guarantee in support of irrevocability of the offer for 5.000.000,00 euros that is the delay of that already produced to the offered precedence, with the precisazione that the delay is disposed with reference to the last final binding offer until 29 October 2011.
For the hypothesis of lacked formulation an offered new migliorativa binding, like also for the new hypothesis offered for any inadmissible reason, instead, the letter established express that the last offer would have remained firm precedence and which postponed in 13 date september 2011.
Now, like evince clearly from the minutes of opening of the 13 envelopes of October 2011, society SNS has not intended, in outcome to the last letter of invitation, to formulate an offered new migliorativa, limiting itself to confirm the full validity and effectiveness of the 23 offer of May 2011, in with the documentation and gradually supplied clarifications.
It achieves some that it would not have been possible to characterize a cause of exclusion of the SNS from the procedure for the lacked production a new guarantee or of the delay only previewed for the hypothesis of offered new formulation migliorativa.
With the third reason of incident resource, then, Company of the Islands, premised that to the date of 21 March 2011 the only existing offer was own, assumes that, if, in compliance to recurrent considered how much from the main one with the first reason of resource, the College had to consider founded the thesis for which the reopenings of the terms for the presentation of the offers would not have been legitimate, with which iterated demands for presentation of migliorative offers, nobody pronounce in the merit would have however to be adopted, considered that by virtue of the same principle the procedure would have had then to be arrested since 21 March 2011, with consequent deficiency of recurrent interest of the main one to the acceptation of the reason in word.
The reason, express conditioned to the appraisals of the College on the censorship proposed with the first reason of the main resource, goes disregarded on a level with how much it will be said nearby.
The procedure continuation for the sale of the branch of company for which it is cause, in fact, is a procedure to former private negotiation art. 4 codicil fourth quater of the D.L. 347/2003 that, in exception to previewed how much from art. the 62 of D. Lgs. N. 270/1999, allows with the aims of the alienation the resource to the private negotiation with the single tie of the determination of the price of cession for a not inferior amount to the fair market value, like turning out from skill of primary institution financial institution, and in the respect of the transparency principles and not discrimination.
The successive ones and repeated determination of reopening of the terms and offered new admission are therefore compatible with the adopted system of selection. 4.
According to analogous considerations it also goes disregarded the quarter and last reason of incident resource with which legitimacy of the admission is contested to the SNS contest, as society subentrata to Ustica Lines to already under way procedure, when the originally fixed term for the offer already had expired.
The flexibility of the procedure previewed from art. the 4 codicil fourth quater returned in fact the which supervened subjective modifications of the offerers permissible, like also the presentation of offers from the participants who, in the earlier stage, had not introduced offered considered permissible.
C. Is therefore possible to proceed to the examination of the censorships proposed from recurrent main with the added resource and reasons.
Like already found, the first profiles of doglianza regard the presumed violation of the principles in matter of cession of the company branch, with detail reference to the transparency principles and not discrimination and at the best of the autovincolo.
It assumes, in synthesis, the recurrent one that the procedure would have had to conclude itself, with the award in its favor, to the sitting of the 18 July 2011 when, in compliance with the opinion of the advisor and of the advisers of the procedure, offer SNS was the only permissible offer and in compliance with the opinions of the lex specialis.
The thesis does not deserve sharing.
It is preliminarily necessary to shortly recall the normative dispositions that regulate the fattispecie, constituted from I decree legislative 8 July 1999, n. 270 and from the bill 23 Decembers 2003, n. 347, then converted with modifications from the law n. 39 of 2004. Moreover, own with specific care to the procedure in argument, finds the dispositions of which to the article 1 of the bill 5 August 2010, n. 125, in the definitive version that derives from the conversion law n. 163 of 2010.
According to the norms over recalled, an insolvent declared enterprise can be admitted from the Court to the procedure of extraordinary administration in case through the cession of the company unit, on the base of a program of prosecuzione of the exercise of the enterprise of not advanced duration to a year (program of cession of the complex or the company units) that is through the economic restructure and financial institution of the enterprise, on the base of a program of reorganization of not advanced duration to two years (restructure program), is possible to realize the result of the recovery of the economic balance of the entrepreneurial activity (d.lgs n. 270 of 1999, art. 2).
Within the sixty successive days to I decree of the Court of opening of the procedure the extraordinary commissioner, named by the Ministry of the Economic Development quickly after the declaration, is held to introduce to the Ministry a program written up second one of the cited alternative addresses over. Such program is written up under the vigilance of the Ministry of the economic development and must be written up in compliance with the addresses of industrial politics from the same one adopted “so as to safeguard the operating unit of the company units, taken into consideration the interests of creditors” (art. 55).
If the address of the cession of the complex or the company units is adopted, the program, besides the previewed indications of art. the 56, codicil 1, lett. a), b), c), d), must also indicate “the modalities of the cession, signaling the reached or acquired offers, let alone the forecasts in order to the satisfaction of creditors” (art. 56, codicil 2).
The execution of the program must be previamente authorized with decrees of the Ministry of the economic development, that it is held to supply, felt the committee of surveillance (named from the Minister of the industry according to art. the 45), within thirty days (art. 57).
The fulfillment of all the activities directed to the execution of the authorized program is task of extraordinary commissioner (art. 61, codicil 1), than in the hypothesis of alienation of companies it is held to ask the authorization for the Ministry of the economic development, that it supplies to emanate the relative provision after to have felt the committee of surveillance (art. 42).
The alienation is disciplined by the articles. 62 and 63 of the cited one I decree legislative n. 270 of 1999.
The value of the good to alienate must be preventively determined from or more experts named from the extraordinary commissioner; the alienation must be carried out in compliance with the forecasts of the authorized program, with forms adapted to the nature of the assets and finalized to the best one I realize, in compliance with the established Generali criteria from the Ministry. If the company, as it is if in species, is in exercise, the foretold appraisal must take into consideration the profit, even if negative, to the age of the esteem and in the successive biennium; the purchaser must obligate himself to continue in order at least a biennium the entrepreneurial activities and to maintain for the same period the established occupational levels to the action of the sale; the choice of the purchaser must be carried out considering, as well as of the amount of the offered price, of the reliability of the offerer and the plan of prosecuzione of the entrepreneurial activities from these introduced, also with regard to the guarantee of maintenance of the occupational levels.