Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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The Nautical Observatory National denunciation "a real escape from the nautical one"
The decrease of the presences in the Italian ports - the ONN emphasizes - can "involve the loss at least 10.000 places of job in the short times"
August 10, 2012
National Nautical Observatory (ONN), the organism of analysis of the market of the nautical one constituted by UCINA, Province of Genoa, DIEM and CERIST, denunciation a strong decrement of the presences of boats in the Italian ports to July. The Observatory announces that last month regarding July 2011, than also it has been a year of strong economic crisis, the tourist-nautical row has marked a medium decrement of the -33% for that it regards the transits and that in the first four regions for number of places boat the average gets worse and has been attested on -48%.
Regions with the rate reduction of the moorings allocate them greater, July 2012 on July 2011
Reduction moorings allocate them
% of i places boat national
Emilia Romagna
Friuli Venice Julia
Regions with the rate reduction of the every day transits greater, July 2012 on July 2011
Reduction moorings in transit
% of i places boat national
The investigation to champion on the state of the presences, is for the places boat allocates them is for those in transit, is carried out on the 60 more representative national ports of the tourist offer of virtue of Italy. The medium data national evidence a contraction of the number of places allocates them pairs to -26% between the July 2012 and July 2011, value that comes down ulteriorly to the -33% regarding the places in transit.
The peaks negatives for the places boat allocate are concentrated them in Emilia Romagna (- 40%), Sicily (- 33%), Friuli Venice Julia (- 31%), Tuscany and Liguria (- 28%). The area mainly in suffering is therefore that of Alto Adriatico, than altogether it marks -30%.
Still more critic the contraction of the question of the places in transit that, for that he regards the first four regions for number of places boat and tourist offer of virtue - that is Liguria, Sicily, Sardinia and Tuscany - records -48%. Dramatic the situation of the Liguria, already flagellated from the spring floods that have hit also some ports, that it marks -75%; most serious also the situation of Marche (- 41%), Sicily (- 40%) and Sardinia (- 38%).
The Observatory evidences that, confronting the current data with how much emerged by the investigation of last January carried out from the same ONN in order to verify the impact of the adoption of the parking tax, it appears clearly in the first instance that "the contraction of the occupation of places boat from the beginning of the year remarkablly has been aggravated, passing from the -17% of January to the -26% of July, for how much concerns the places allocates them. Moreover while to January were strong differences territorial, with structures harbour transboundary to endure put up losses (first version of tax previewed in fact payment single if of permanence of boats in waters national, while - the ONN remembers - tax is be then transformed from tax parking - in Italian waters - in tax possession, that it hits any city resident in Italy that the possession of a boat or ship from diporto has, under any recorded flag, in any Country stations and independently if it is found in sea or to earth), to July instead the data is very more uniform on a national level and ago to think to a real escape from the nautical one".
The ONN explains that, being to the information collections, "the escape of the diportisti it is due to: inspections of the Guard of Finance and relative climate of "fiscal terror" (90%); ripetitività of the controls, in lack of coordination between the various police forces (76%); cost of fuel (33%)".
Remembering that according to the Censis every 3,8-4 boats creates a place of work in the row of the services and the maintenance and that Italy has beyond 156.000 moorings, the ONN emphasizes that "the reduction in the occupation is of the places allocates them is of those in transit can quickly involve the loss at least 10.000 places of job in the short times".
"We are assisting - president of UCINA, Anton Francesco Albertoni has commented - to the agony of the nautical Italian, but it seems that nobody to the government realizes of the drammaticità of a situation, than shortly time will be reflected in solid way on the occupational front and that it will involve the probable failure of many tourist-harbour structures. So a section is destroyed not only that, in spite of everything, is still between more pulling ahead of the export of the country, but also nautical tourism and the coastal industry to tied it, patrimonies that all the world envies us from always".
"We once again restate - it has continued Albertoni - the urgent necessity to institute a computerized registry of the boats, instrument that would allow to velocizzare the controls on the aimed and perceived diportisti being returned them from the same ones as "less invasive"".
From part its president of the Italian Association Tourist Porti (Assomarinas), Roberto Perocchio, has evidenced the risk that entrepreneurs, assigned and workers of the nautical one can arrive to gestures ends, as the block of the national ports, in case solutions are not found in order to contrast the closing of the enterprises and the inexorable ones continue lay-offs.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher