- The Harbour Authority of Livorno has intimato to the enterprises of the Leighorn port of call to put in rule all means used in port. In the course of the today's reunion of the Harbour Committee the agency has exhorted the enterprises that until have today not supplied to make to identify own operating means, applying to they brands or an acknowledgment plate, to put itself soon in rule if they will not want to be seen to suspend the authorization for the development of the harbour operations of which to article 16 of law 84/94.
- The Harbour Authority has emphasized that this serves to prevent that the same fifth wheel couplings or the same ones forklift are used by more enterprises for the development of the working activities: in such case, in fact, the crime of interposizione of labor would be prefigured. "The underbrush of means - the general secretary of the harbour agency has explained, Massimo Provinciali - is a phenomenon much municipality in the port of Livorno. For a long time we have asked the companies to vanquish this immorality. The moment has arrived that everyone takes own responsibilities".
- In the next few days the harbour authority will fix a fixed term within which it will be asked, to it has up to now not made it, "to label" the means who has disposition, pain the loss of the authorization to operate activity in port.
Moreover in the course of the reunion the Harbour Authority has communicated that the Office of the Harbour Job of the agency has arranged a reduction of the maximum number of enterprises authorized to the development of the operations and the harbour services. The deliberation, that it previews the passage from the nine enterprises of harbour services to the eight of the next year, is approved of unanimously by the Harbour Committee.
- In reunion opening the president of the harbour agency, Giuliano Gallanti, has stopped himself on the iter of approval of the Portuale Town development plan, that he is preadopted on 20 June and that he will have to be analyzed from the competent subjects for the drawing up of definitive the Environmental Relationship: "it is clear - he has found Gallanti - that the PRP is not still enforced and it will not be before the definitive approval by the Region. Before then we can only try to anticipate some forecasts, as those which afferiscono to the topic of the relationship between the cruises and the commercial traffic. In order to make this, but, it is necessary that there is possible the wider consent than all the parts at stake". According to the forecasts of the Harbour Authority, three months of job for the drawing up of the environmental relationship will be necessary others as a minimum: some competent subjects in matter - it has explained the agency - in fact have sent to the Authority contributions rather articulated and complexes. The contents of new the Operations plan Triennial one instead will be illustrated in Committee within the half of the next month.
- During the reunion the request introduced last July to the harbour agency from the company Masol Srl for the development of harbour operations by means of the realization of a system of biodiesel production and for the release of concession on some harbour areas is examined also. The intention of the Milanese society is in fact to concentrate the entire oil traffic of palm to Livorno. The Harbour Authority has specified that the new industrial installations could not be placed to edge dock, but will have instead to be rear in retroportuali areas with destination of industrial use, so as expected from the Town development plan. The fine Authority has announced that to this has in course negotiations with some societies in order to verify their availability to the sale of lands and warehouses adjacent with the former terminal Seal: "with these new lands - Gallanti has said - there would be space for all, not only for the Masol and the Which dropped Terminal Bordering, but also for the Olmec new, than it has made us to reach a demand for concession in order to realize a takeover dedicated to the heavy carpentry".