Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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Tomorrow to Trieste a round table will hold on the reform of the harbour and logistic systems
Monassi (Harbour Authority): “the encounter serves to make the point on the future of the harbour legislation”
November 9, 2012
Tomorrow to Trieste, near Hydrodynamic Headquarters of Trieste (Old Port), will hold a round table on the topic “Towards a reform of the harbour and logistic systems between communitarian rules and internal norms” organized from the Cluster Club on Infrastructures and Transports - I.S.T.I.E.E. (Institute for the Study of the Transports in European Economic Integration) in collaboration with the Harbour Authority of Trieste.
Alla reunion will participate presidents of Harbour Authorities, like Luigi Merlo (Genoa) and Sergio Prete (Taranto), parliamentarians like Luigi Grillo and Mario Valducci, senator Roberto Castelli, European parliamentarians like Debora Serracchiani and Antonio Cancian, harbour operators like Ignazio Messina, Guido Grimaldi and Pierluigi Maneschi, consuls of harbour companies like Antonio Benvenuti of the Tyrrhenian CULMV and Whites of Pietro Chiesa of Genoa, university professors by right and of economy let alone the national secretaries of Filt Cgil, Fit Cisl and Uiltrasporti.
“The encounter - it has anticipated Marina Monassi, president of the Harbour Authority of Trieste - servants to make the point on the future of the legislation harbour taking into consideration the vocation of some ports to serve the European corridors valuing also their administrative regimes and international”.
Headquarters in the within of the encounter will be the relative topics to the function and nature of the Harbour Authority, to the discipline of the harbour systems fine-port, to a stronger governance of the ports and at last to the necessity of the coordination of national level of the policies of the transports of European sign.
hours 9.00
Recording participants
hours 9.30
Welcome of the President of the harbour Authority of Trieste, Dr. Marina Monassi
FIRST SESSION - On Presides. Prof. Luciano Violante
Role and nature of the harbour Authority, its relationship with the authorities of regulation and the central government, the society of corridor, art. the 6,6 law 84, the principle of separation between public administration and enterprise b) The regulation of the markets and Core Network (harbour systems or authority fines port, extension of the within to the back carries, the regulation of infrastructures of access to the harbour systems and inland) c) The discipline of the operations of the harbour services, the regime of which to the articles. 16 and 17, law 84, between requirement of protection of the job and requirements of protection of the competition, you decree Saves Italy and Cresci Italy and nautical the harbour services and technical d) The coordination of politics of harbour infrastructures and corridor
Breakfast of job
hours 13.30
SECOND SESSION - Sen Presides. Luigi Grillo
hours 15.00
The norms under approval from the European Parliament in matter of corridors and the regulation of the market. The impact of the new communitarian legislation on the discipline of the portualità'
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher