Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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Today the port of Genoa celebrates the two millionth container enlivened from the beginning of the year
Besides to establish the new record, the container will be also first to be cleared telematicamente
December 21, 2012
This afternoon the port of Genoa celebrates two new primates: to the Voltri Terminal Europe (VTE) it will come in fact enlivened the two millionth container journeyed from the beginning of this year in the port of call of from Liguria chief town; moreover this container will be also first to be cleared telematicamente.
"The new procedure of release of the delivery orders, or delivery bonds - it has emphasized the association of the genoese shipping agents Assagenti - will in future allow to eliminate 600 thousand paper documents, besides velocizzare and optimizing the job of the agents and the genoese shippers. The interchange of the container - the association has remembered - has been, until now, a very long procedure that it began with the arrival of the bellhop of the shipper in the offices of the marine agency and continued with hours of tail to the counter of the interchanges and the verification of documents for the release of the delivery bond, against the payment of the service. The delivery it came then carried in wait, before being delivered to the hauler in entrance to the terminal for the physical withdrawal of the container. Beginning from today for the interchanges little minutes will be enough and the delivery it will come automatically transmitted to the shipper and in wait. The velocizzazione of this procedure will afford also to the marine agencies and the shipment houses to dedicate the human resources, today employees in the interchanges, other duties".
The computerized shipment of the bonds of delivery, complementary to the E-port system, is developed by Hub Telematica Scarl, society participated from Assagenti and the association of the genoese shippers Spediporto, than they give beyond six months work to the implementation of this plan. From years the attention of two trade associations has focused on the telematizzazione of all the operating procedures through Hub Computerized, presided from ingegner Giorgio Cavo.
Handling of the container number two million will today see like protagonists the shipment house Casasco & Nardi Spa and marine agency CMA CGM Italy. "The process of telematizzazione of the documentary procedures - it has emphasized the managing director of Casasco & Nardi, Alessandro Pitto - sees to us engaged, which convinced supporters and promoters, until from the first experimentations. Therefore we are particularly honored to take part to the plan of computerized interchange, that it represents a milestone in the development of the harbour informatizzazione, tenaciously persecuted from our associations, with a remarkable engagement of human resources and financial institutions".
"We have understood immediately - it has agreed Alessandro Zanetta, general manager of CMA CGM Italy - the importance of this plan. For this we have joined with enthusiasm to the demand for being one of the agencies pilot, because it is a concrete step towards the velocizzazione of the procedures and can stuffed to exceed the myriad of little ones problems that daily happen in this type of operations. I wish to thank the two associations for the stubborness with which they have followed this plan".
While the port of Genoa has archived item last month with a traffic of 4,2 million tons of goods, with a progression of 1.9% regarding the 4,1 million one tons in November 2011. The goods several is increased of the 5.0% attesting itself 2,3 million to tons, of which 1,6 million containerized tons of goods (+7.1%) with a handling of 175.626 container teu (+15.7%) and 669 thousand conventional tons of goods (+0.3%). The mineral oils have totaled 1,3 million tons (- 0.7% and the other liquid bulk 69 thousand tons (- 6.8%). The bulk sand banks is piled to 93 thousand tons (+34.1%) to which tons of enlivened bulk and iron worker in industrial section (- 18.2% join to other 249 thousand).
In the first eleven months of the 2012 genoese port of call it has enlivened altogether 47,5 million tons of goods, with a bending of the 0.3% regarding 47,6 million tons in the period January-November last year. Single the container has been pairs to 1.901.353 teu (+12.3%).
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher