has held recently to Brussels the meeting of opening of the European plan Hubways (coHerent measures and environmental interventions to debottleneck hUBs of the multimodal Network fAvoured bY Seamless flow of goods), that it has the objective to develop to the cooperation and the communication between transport hub "greens" and to promote the development of services to added value that stimulate the use of Co-modal nets, with the scope to allow also a reduction of the emissions of gas greenhouse and other polluting ones.
the European plan, of which the IB Innovation Consortium is technical coordinator, spin off of Interporto Bologna Spa recently constitution, is financed in the within of VII the Program Picture of the EU commission with a total budget of beyond 4,1 million euros and it is characterized for technological a component important that setting up of instruments for the sharing will allow, from more multimodali terminals, than functional information at the market to create and to propose echo-compatible integrated services of transport, accompanied from systems of measurement of the performances. The attainment of such objective will be supported through setting up of four dimostratori pilot inside terminals localized respective in Italy, in Sweden, in Slovenia and Belgium.the partnership of Hubways sees the involvement of international subjects with experience in the withins that the same plan promotes: BMT Group Ltd (BMT), Interporto Bologna Spa through Consortium IB Innovation (IBI), KombiConsult Gmb (KC), HaCon Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH (HCN), INLECOM Ltd (ILS), MARLO like (MARLO), Deutsche GVZ-Gesellschaft mbH (DGG), SINTEF (SINTEF), UIRR (UIRR), Jernhunsen AB (JRN), Adria Kombi doo (ADRIA), Lindholmen Science Park (LSP), PE International (PE) and Interferryboats NV (IFB) .