
year the port of Bari has enlivened a traffic of the goods pairs to altogether 4,5 million tons, with a decrease of the 17.2% regarding 5,4 million tons in 2011. It disembarks have totaled 2,7 million tons (- 19.8%) and embark they 1,8 million tons (- 13.1%).
In the 2012 traffic of the goods several is piled almost 3,3 million tons (- 8.9%), of which 237 thousand containerized tons of goods (+91.1%), 2,9 million tons of rotabili (- 14.3%) and 84 thousand conventional tons of goods (+295.0%). The solid bulk volume has attested to 883 thousand tons (- 38.9%).Last year the traffic of the passengers has been altogether of beyond 1,8 million unit (- 2.4%), of which 619 thousand crocieristi (+5.5%) and 1,2 million passengers of the ferries (- 6.0%)