the logistic group CEVA Logistics has officially inaugurated the "City of the Pharma", a new structure situated to Stradella, in province of Pavia, that it covers a surface of 20.000 square metres and entirely is dedicated to storage and handling of producing destined to the druggist channel.
CEVA has explained that this new platform, extremely innovative, is in the middle of an integrated logistic Network to European level that allows the access not only at the market Italian, but also to other European markets, and has specified that the existence of only a hub destined more player of the same field allows with the group to help own customers to face in adequate way the fluctuations of market and to offer solutions that full visibility allows with all the levels of the supply chain."We are - it has emphasized the managing director of CEVA Logistics Italy, Giuseppe Chiellino - one of the first logistic operators in Italy to manage plans of integration of the logistics to European level for these producing - vaccine, antibiotic, life-saving drugs, narcotics - that they demand detailed lists modality of storage and handling. The "city of the Pharma" is a hub fine-market, the center of a Network that the distribution in all the national territory allows and in many other markets which the East Europe and the Balkan area. In a difficult economic context as that current - it has concluded Chiellino - CEVA can become an important ally of the druggist companies supporting these last in designing more sophisticated logistic processes and in reaching new markets in way still more efficient" .