Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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Without efficiency of the ports and the logistics - they emphasize Assoporti, Federagenti and Fedespedi - possibilities do not exist of throw again for Italy
Merlon has proposed to transfer to the Harbour Authorities the Federal property for patrimonializzare it
June 18, 2013
"We want to better feed our industries and our economy? We want to better export the produced ones of our industries? We want to make business with the ports" These questions - oratorical, since to answer yes to the three questions it evidently means to be supporters of a development of the economic system and the well-being of the nation - are placed to conclusion of the presentation of the study on "throw again of the portualità and the Italian logistics as it raises strategic for the increase and the competitiveness of the Country" that it is illustrated to Rome by Paolo Borzatta, today senior partner of The European House - Ambrosetti Spa, in occasion of the organized convention from the Association of the Italian Ports (Assoporti), from the national association of the shipping agents Federagenti and from the national association of Fedespedi shippers in order to advance a unitary proposal for I throw again of the Italian harbour system.
Alle three questions Assoporti, Federagenti and Fedespedi answer with yes convinced, emphasizing that draft of issues that regard the entire "Italy system", than - they have denounced - still today does not succeed to comprise that without a substantial recovery of efficiency on the front of the ports and the logistics, more of every other forced to be confronted with the challenges of the globalization and a new order of the world-wide interchange, does not exist possibility of throws again for the Country. An understanding lack that - they have evidenced the representatives of the three associations - is found also in "I decree of Fare", the legislative provision launched saturday slid from the Italian government who - for Assoporti, Federagenti and Fedespedi - anticipates ulterior elements of disappointment.
Rimarcando as portualità and logistics can be flies for economic increase, occupation and competitiveness of the Country, the president of Fedespedi, Piero Lazzeri, has restated - as priority and unavoidable participations - the necessity of decided actions of normative and bureaucratic simplification in the procedures of import and export of the goods in order reducing spread increasing between the competitive ability to the national field and that of the partner European.
According to the president of Federagenti, Michele Pappalardo, is necessary launch a great operation transparency, in order to make to comprise to the public opinion this that the continuous Palace not to understand, that is the usefullness and the strategic role of the marine section. Palace that for years - it has found - has got on in the idea of being able to live in a clan. Today - he has added Pappalardo - it is the moment to assert with force, in all the centers and with a various language, than without the ports and without the ships Italy dies and it does not have some possibility of I throw again and economic resumption.
Also for Luigi Merlo, president of Assoporti, is necessary "to contaminate the Country on the logistic priorities", closing a season of autoreferenzialità, reforming the models of rappresentatività of the marine cluster (firstly the Federation of the Sea), launch a concrete proposal that passes through a return of politics on these topics and the abandonment of a ragionieristica vision of the management of the Country, that it is equivalent to a suicide. Emphasizing the importance of the common effort of the three associations, Merlon he has insistito, species after I decree on making that it is completely disappointing for the field, on the necessity that the minister of the Transports riappropri of politics of the field.
Merlon is taken part heavy also on the topic of the autonomy financial institution of the Harbour Authorities, asking the undersecretary to Infrastructures and the Transports, Rocco Girlanda, an immediate participation that the equipped government "of magic wand" - as replied from Girlanda - does not seem to be able to put into effect. Merlon therefore has proposed to transfer to the Harbour Authorities the Federal property for patrimonializzare it to advantage of the same Harbour Authorities so as already happened in the French ports. At last one has been said available to work from quickly to a text of a true total reform of the field.
The study of The European House - Ambrosetti introduced in the course of the convention evidences as also only an alignment of the harbour standards of logistic efficiency and of Italy to the average EU would produce, to parity of traffics, benefits for 50 billion euros. From the study they are gushed ten points of analysis on the field. The first relative one to the strategic value of logistic the harbour game and, therefore to economic weight (2.6% of the GDP, with 40 billion euros of turnover), to the primary role in world-wide commerce (55% on the total of export the Italian extra EU). Therefore to the not univocal definition of the Italian harbour system; therefore to the urgent necessity of an participation on the governance of the portualità; therefore on the weight of bureaucratic inefficiencies, on the opportunities generated from a development of the marine traffics that today mortifies the Italian ports (every year are yielded to the ports of the North Europe 441,000 container teu), the fragmentation of the national portualità in contrast with a progressive concentration of the traffics little determined the proportions ports of call in order to receive them and the effects of a parallel concentration of the operators destined to control the market.
Al convention is taken part also the minister for Public Administration and the simplification, Gianpiero Of Alia, and the minister for the constitutional Reforms, Gaetano Quagliariello. After to have both insistito on the damages created from the so-called concurrent legislation (than also he does not affect the choices for the commercial ports) and therefore on the contrast between State and Regions generated from an imperfect federalism, the two ministers have respective (Of Alia) insistito on the positive effect of the simplifications also for how much the harbour section and on the necessity (Quagliariello) of a great reform that allows to cut the times of approval of the laws.
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