Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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Teasing (Liguria Region) it speeds up the government to guarantee the execution of the project of the Third Pass
In a letter to the executive the president of from Liguria agency manifest worry for the decision to definanziare according to lottery
June 19, 2013
The president of the Region Liguria, Claudio Burlando, has sent a letter to the representatives of the government in order to manifest the worry of the institutions and the genoese harbour community for the recent decision of the executive to divert towards others infrastructural works destined bottoms to the realization of according to lottery of the project for the construction of the Third Pass of the railway line to high speed - high Genoa-Milan ability ( on 17 June 2013).
"The decision to definanziare according to lottery of the Third Pass, contained in the recently approved of bill from the Council of Ministers - it has written Teasing to the Enrico Letta, Prime Minister, and to ministers Fabrizio Saccomanni (Economy and finances), Maurizio Lupi (Infrastructures and transports) and Flavio Zanonato (economic Development) - has provoked worry to Genoa, in its harbour community and all the Region". "It is true - it has specified the president of the Liguria Region - than the government has inserted in other provision an alternative financing. However such financing is destined "with priority" to Third Valico and Brenner. Therefore it is not excluded that it can be destined also to others works and however will be the CIPE to decide as it will come shared between the two indicated works and therefore not is at the moment an official indication on how much will come destined to according to lottery of the pass of Giovi; that moreover it had already quickly recently a removal of resources in favour of the ordinary maintenance operations of the railway net, than the government had been engaged "to give back" as soon as possible".
"But besides the issue of the amount of the resources - it has found Teasing - it is still more worrisome the problem of the tempistica. Pack-saddles to think that after the decision of the government on the financing precedence, according to lottery (after the deliberation CIPE, the recording by the State Audit Court, I only interministerial decree, etc) divenne operating after more than a year. To this one joins that the resources for the pass (and Brenner) will be available only beginning from 2015, in reason of 120 million the year for ten years".
"It is not clear - he has continued from Liguria governor - as the concessionaire can proceed to expropriations and contracts before the effective availability of the resources. Moreover the duration of according to lottery is short much of the assumed period of financings and also this can create obstacles to the fast realization of the work. Anyway if not there were problems on the times and the draft of case, as the government have said in these days, are not understood because the "new resources" for the new works could not be used to finance, leaving those "old ones" the pass. The verifications made with various offices have not made other that to increase our worries".
"The regional Council and that communal one - it has explained Teasing - of will discuss the next week, but it is not a case that has manifested an opposition to a fast pronunciamento of the two assemblies by the forces that are opposed to the realization of this work".
"Some participations - it has remembered Teasing - have justified the attitude of the government with the difficulty to retrieve suitable sites to the abbancamento of the digging material. In fact, although a program agreement is signed with the government from very two years and is available all the resources, the Harbour Authority of Genoa has not never received the deep ones in order to proceed to the "upset to sea" of the Yard Fincantieri di Sestri West, work important in order to collect "smarino" but the above all fundamental one for giving a future to that yard".
"A government of "making" - he has concluded Teasing - could not more define such if he were not able to so much more place remedy in little days to a so scandalous delay (than all the resources is for a long time available). And however, working seriously we have on hand, already from hour able alternatives to satisfy the requirement of the concessionaire without to lose a single day of job. Whoever wanted to continue to use these arguments (and not I report certainly to the members of the government addressed) would play against the future of this Region, exactly as those which healthy contrarys to the participation. I ask to you therefore to be profitable you available to an immediate argument to the aim to correct a formulation that could also give origin to a litigation, not lacking in risks, between government and concessionaire".
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