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Pasqualino Monti assumes the guide of Assoporti
Luigi Merlo has passed the testimony to the president of the Harbour Authority of Civitavecchia
July 16, 2013
The president of the ports of Rome (Civitavecchia, Fiumicino and Gaeta), Pasqualino Monti, has assumed the presidency of the Association of the Italian Ports (Assoporti) having received the witness by Luigi Merlo, president of the port of Genoa, as expected from the phase of transition two-year-old to the guide of the association - with a "courier" between Merlo and Monti - deliberated a year ago from the directive one of the association ( on 5 July 2012). The passage of the deliveries is made official today in the course of an assembly behind closed doors.
New president Monti has asked directive for Assoporti the two months of time in order to set up a total proposal of harbour politics and logistic, emphasizing as the traumatic changes in existence in geography and the characteristics of world-wide the marine traffics and therefore of the total interchange, they return a total rivisitazione of the norms, the governance and the operating methodologies indispensable that characterize from decades the Italian portualità.
Monti therefore has synthetized in five points the lines guide that will have to inspire the action of Assoporti, call to a role of direction in a field of highest strategic valence for the future development of the Country. "I will only conclude this my participation - Pasqualino Monti has explained - with the citation of the five areas of actions on which we will try to print, all with, the carried out one. In argument they will be therefore: the role of the Harbour Authorities in the relationships with the State, but at the same time in the relationships with the market; the autonomy of the Harbour Authorities through new formulas of financing and affirmation of the self-determination financial institution; the bureaucratic revolution, through a total rewriting of the governance of our agencies; the integrated management of the territories for the exploitation of every opportunity of logistic and productive development; the functional alliances with the other subjects of the logistics and the transport, on the rows of the passengers and the goods".
"The times of decision and of chosen to which we were accustomed - have continued Monti - they are not more compatible with the very fast transformations in existence in the total market. The ports that operate on the line of the front of the world-wide interchange therefore are called to decisions, until yesterday unthinkable for a Country as ours accustomed to mediate also its destiny. Decisions that demand imagination, innovation, progettualità, ability to impose the change and regarding which do not exist alternative, if not that of a progressive marginalization and a decline, with devastating consequences for all the Italian economy".
"The Italian ports - Luigi Merlo has commented, outgoing president of Assoporti - are the fundamental asset of a logistic system that only today also politics begin to comprise in its strategicità for the Country. Task of Assoporti is and will be that to evidence this role and to make to mature relative a new knowledge also to the value of the investments in the ports".
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher