the Harbour Authority of Ravenna has announced that in the period January-August of this ravennate year the harbour port of call has recorded a cargo handling pairs to 14.752.005 tons, in increase of 3.3% regarding the same period of 2012. It disembarks have been pairs to 12,5 million tons (+2.4%) and it embarks to it to 2,2 million tons (+8.4%).
the agency has explained that, analyzing to the different types of goods, in the eight months a +0.5% for the goods have been found sand banks, with 45 thousand tons in more, and a decrease of 2.9% for the liquid bulk, with 89 thousand tons in less. They continue to increase the goods unitizzate: in container grown of 149 thousand tons (+9.7%) and on rotabili more that doubled, passing from 349 thousand to 708 thousand tons with an increase pairs to 360 thousand tons (+102.9%). Between the goods sand banks the increment more important percentage (+24.1%) is for the agricultural produced ones and in particular for the corn; in terms of absolute values instead the more meaningful increase it is for the produced metalworkers passed from 2,9 to 3,1 million tons (+7.4%). Still in decrease regarding the year precedence the materials from construction (- 2.3%), while the raw materials for the ceramics are stable. According to the data of ceramic Confindustria - it has found the harbour authority of Ravenna - even if continuous the home market to being in decrease from five years, is necessary to consider that the exports, that they represent beyond 80% of the production, have resumed to grow, those in particular direct ones towards the non-EU markets where in the course of the first six months of the 2013 an increase of beyond 10% has been recorded. For the liquid bulk, the chemical ones are diminished of 15.4%, while the oil produced ones turn out in decrease of 2.5%. In controtendenza the liquid alimentary commodities that, graces to a consisting increase of import of oils the vegetables, have recorded a +11.7%. In the first eight months of 2013 has been positive also handling of the container that has been pairs to 155.195 teu (+11.8%). The trend of increase for handling continues moreover trailer with 3.714 pieces in the single month of August and in the period January-August on the Ravenna-Catania line the traffic CIN/Tirrenia and Grimaldi has been altogether of 26.072 pieces against 14,924 last year (+74.7%) to which they join to those of the new Ravenna-Brindisi draft that they have been 5.848. In total the number of the trailer in the first eight months has been of 32.526 pieces, more of the double quantity regarding the 15,266 last year. Good also the relative result to the traffic of new cars, than by 8.743 units last year is gone up to 16.001 (+83.0%). In the single month of August 2013 the traffic of the goods enlivened altogether from the port of Ravenna has been of 1.668.173 tons, 138 thousand tons in more respect to August 2012 (+9%) .