Today the regional committee of the Tuscany has approved of a proposal of deliberation of the regional council relative to the realization of the works previewed for the potenziamento of the port of Piombino and in particular to the modification of the dock of the pier sottoflutto and to the digging of the backdrops until -20 meters. Other participations previewed in the harbour area from the agreement of Program Picture undersigned between the interested E region ministries are the potenziamento of the docks and the realization of new docks, the reclamation of the areas "City Future" and "Fintecna", the plan of reclamation of the relative areas to 1° the lottery of SS 398 of access to the port, the putting in permanent safety of the former rubbish dumps of Poggio to the Twenty.
the Region has specified that the action approved of today from the committee takes note than already expressed from the Higher council of the Public works 24th October (proposed 87/2013) that has recognized as the proposed participations do not involve "substantial modifications" to established how much from the Portuale Town development plan of Piombino. "the provision that we have approved of today - has explained the regional city council member to Infrastructures, Vincenzo Ceccarelli - it allows to set the work going of requalification of the port of Piombino, intense activities of great importance for giving to new opportunity to the port and the entire industrial area of Piombino. The potenziamento of the port will return the access also to the great ships possible and will strengthen the candidacy of Piombino in order to accommodate the yard for digestion of the property left at death one of Costa Concordia. It is important to remember like the vicinity between the port and the area iron worker represents a point of force for Piombino, a great opportunity for a digestion "to km 0" of the ships to scrap, above all to light of the new European directives". The regional agency has remembered that, in fact, than a directive of the European Parliament it obligates the Council EU to characterize within the 2015 ports in which destruction of the ships will be possible out of use, than today are approximately 1.000 in all Europa.