Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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Is the Italian answer to AlpTransit a mulattiera in order to approach to a freeway?
Convention to Varese with presentation of the study of the Bites on the impact on the North Italy of the Swiss infrastructural project
November 28, 2013
"Today it is as if same being completed a freeway from which, to go to us or in order to exit to us, it will have to cover a mulattiera". This the daunting picture traced from the president of the Chamber of Commerce of Varese, Renato Scapolan, in order to exemplify which is the state of the Italian infrastructural system against the next opening of the tunnel of base of the Gottardo, previewed in 2016, in the course of the convention "the Italian answer to AlpTransit", promoted from the Chamber of Commerce of Varese and from the Chamber of Commerce Switzerland for Italy, than has held this morning in the center of the Chamber of Commerce of Varese. "The risk with which we are confronting, but that we do not want to run that's why (we are here today) - Scapolan has said - is own this: in the 2016, ready new Tunnel of the Gottardo, Switzerland will deliver a work to us that will afford of velocizzare the times of transport of the goods with those which they are main the partner of an economy varesina that exports 10 billion euros per year. We then ask presence and farsightedness the political decisore".
On the importance of new Italian infrastructures of integration to AlpTransit the president of the Chamber of Commerce Switzerland in Italy has insistito also: "the transport goods - it has found Giorgio Berner - has from always an essential role in the economic development. From the effort to make here to comprise at best as these works can offer an epochal opportunity for all". A demand to which the city council member has answered to Infrastructures and Mobility of the Lombardy Region: "too much often - Maurizio Del Tenno has said - we have found again ourselves to having to run after Switzerland. We must open a new season recovering all entirety ability and efficiency. We must then be ready with the essential works to South of the Gottardo: I speak about the passing second of Milan, the quadruplicamento of the connection from Uproar and, in particular, of the adaptation of Luino-Gallarate".
In the course of the convention last one is evidenced as own this is the railway line that it offers put up development potentiality: after the opening of the tunnel of base of the Gottardo, the transit via Luino will introduce a slope until 12 the per thousand one and will be therefore the only true plain railroad on the Genoa-Rotterdam corridor, where a single car will be enough in order to haul a train of 2.000 tons. On the line of Uproar, instead, permarranno of the slopes from the 17 to 21 the per thousand one in the zone of Chiasso and Mendrisio.
Introducing the results of a study lead from the University Bites on the possible impact on the entire Italy North of the Helvetic project AlpTransit for the realization of the two galleries of base of Saint Gottardo and Ashes, professor Lanfranco Senn has evidenced that "to the Gottardo and the Swiss Alptransit are not enough in order to offer to the chain of the logistics the opportunity to pick all the possible benefits. It must - it has emphasized - complete to South, and therefore in Italy, the corridor "four meters" that the passage of the trains until 750 meters will allow. If of the corridor "four meters" to the axis of Luino can be attributed benefits in terms of smaller railway transport costs for about a billion and 800 million euros, to which they go added to other induced benefits in order at least a hundred of million. Not enough - it has explained professor Senn - because the esteem on the passage of the goods from the road to the railroad indicate important social and environmental savings a lot: the smaller costs from incidents and congestion of the traffic emerge to 600 million euros, those for the air pollution and the emissions of co2 of about 300 million euros". Professor Senn has rimarcato also the advantages on the occupational plan: "also - it has specified - the benefits from the completion of the works are interesting here for the collectivity: the logistic field, than in last the four years has lost about 1.200 assigned to Varese and Novara, could add until 4.000 attached ones in the surrounding territory for the increase of previewed intermodal traffic in 2020". And these graces also to the Helvetic co-financing of the works in Italy for about 200 million euros, as the consul general of Switzerland to Milan Massimo Baggi has remembered during the debate of this morning.
The encounter today will be followed already next monday from another convention to Luino when it opens a moment of argument and deepening on the opportunities of economic and tourist development of an important area of the territory varesino which Alto Verbano.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher