Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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Ok of the Harbour Committee to the agreement of program on the area of complex industrial crisis of the port of Trieste
Insertion of a letter of the Mit that confirmation the exercise from the Harbour Authority of the activities of quantification and collection of the marine state property canons
February 12, 2014
Today the Harbour Committee of Trieste has approved of to majority, with the unanimity of ballots in favor of the representatives of the economic and trade-union truths and the contrary ballots of the mayor of Trieste, Roberto Cosolini, of that of Muggia, Nerio Nesladek, of the president of the Province of Trieste, Maria Teresa Bassa Poropat, and of the regional city council member to Finances, Francesco Peroni, the program agreement "Discipline of the relative participations to the requalification of the industrial and harbour activities and the environmental recovery in the area of complex industrial crisis of the port of Trieste", that January slid from the institutions interested with the exception has been 30 undersigned of the Harbour Authority of Trieste(of 30 January 2014), recalling the letter 10th February of the ministry of Infrastructures and the Transports, to insert integrally in quality of note to minutes to the agreement of program, being given sent the president of the Harbour Authority to sign the agreement. Before its voting the text of the deliberation had obtained the favorable opinion of the college of the revisers of accounts and its president.
the Harbour Authority has announced that in the letter of 10 February sent to the ministries of the economic Development, the Atmosphere and the protection of the territory and the sea, to the Region Friuli Venice Julia and the Harbour Authority and signature of the first private secretary of the minister of Infrastructures and the Transports, it is specified that "for how much integrated Plan of putting in safety and reindustrialization of the site of the Ironworks of Servola concerns to the content of art. the 6 of the agreement () and to the relative clarifications it is to the interrelations between the alienation procedure of the site of property and that of state property concession of the areas of competence of the Harbour Authority, it is to the quantification and collection of the state property canons from the Harbour Authority, one considers that - second the guidelines unanimously expressed during 6 reunion last February near the same Mit - features of new state property concession and not already of subingresso, and that the release of the same one from the commissioner, according to art. the 6 of the program agreement, which consequent action to the procedure of alienation to public evidence, must necessarily refer to the discipline of which to art the 18 of law 84/1994, this involving, from the Harbour Authority, the exercise of the quantification activities and collection of the marine state property canons".
"With regard to the content of the premises of the agreement - the letter of the ministry continues - in the part in which the impossibility is evidenced "to go back to the subjective imputation of the single actions and activities that in the time have competition to the realization of the state property area in concession to the polluting Society Servola Spa with bringings back and materials", is deemed that the above-referenced formulation can usefully be rectified, in adhesion to the recent normative picture of reference, with to the various pronunciation "it remains impregiudicata the subjective imputation of the single actions and activities that in the time have competition to the realization of the area state property in concession to the polluting Society Servola Spa with bringings back and materials"".
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher