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the Harbour Authority of Ravenna has acquired a participation in UIRNet Spa
Last month the traffic of the goods in the harbour port of call has marked an increment of +16.8%
February 28, 2014
The Harbour Authority of Ravenna has entered in UIRNet Spa, the subject only actuator for the realization and management of the Platform of National Logistic net (PLN) that it is charged among other things to coordinate and to integrate such platform with the platforms realized from the single Harbour Authorities (Port Community System).
The ravennate Harbour Authority has explained that the participation to UIRNet allows with the agency to carefully follow a series of initiatives that are shown of great relief and, therefore, to facilitate a fast activation of the connection of the Port Community System of Ravenna to National the Logistic Platform and the start of projects of the type "fast corridor". In short, thanks to these new modalities of transmission of the data - it has emphasized the harbour agency - it will be possible to enrich with the data generated in port the quality of the services supplied to the external operators to the port (road haulage, receivers/loaders, logistic nodes, to interpose, etc), increasing to you, among other things, safety of the transport also to the customs aims; moreover the income in UIRNet represents a certain condition favorable to the elaboration of ideas and common strategies for the development of the connections of the port of Ravenna with the logistic nodes of long the Po plain and controlled corridors and this become fundamental element are in the context of the next experimentation of the new procedures of "clearance in sea", it is, more in general terms, in that of the development of the Freeways of the Sea.
"Obviously - it has specified the president of the Harbour Authority of Ravenna, Galliano Di Marco - the port must be able to supply all the necessary information to National the Logistic Platform and is that on which us it is being engaged for a long time with the several categories of operators. We remember that to Ravenna it is in function, first in Italy, the Unico Doganale Door and the pre-clearing, and it is being worked for the realization of the clearance in sea. It would not have sense, in fact, to realize the great works of infrastructural development of the port of call, task to the deepening of the grounds firstly, if it did not proceed in parallel with the improvement and to the optimization of the quality of the services legacies to the harbour operations, since also from these depends the competitiveness of the port of call. To guarantee this level of services - it has added Of Marco - becomes, moreover, indispensable condition for being considered valid port of call door of access to the goods coming from Asia and this, with the imminent traffic that will involve EXPO 2015, candidates Ravenna to carry out in excellent way such role. The income of the Harbour Authority of Ravenna, before between all the Italian Harbour Authorities, in the social compages of UIRNet, even though with a very meager quota, goes in so far as and sure it will allow to hold monitored with more effectiveness its developments and to inside play a role of the decisional processes".
Also the director of the Office of Customs of Ravenna, Giovanni Ambrosio, has evidenced as "the possibility, through UIRNet, to use National the Logistic Platform completely opens new scenes for the portualità. He projects - he has specified - the port of Ravenna in a within of "total" logistics. It is a completely new scene, and not only for the harbour system ravennate".
While last month of January the port of Ravenna has enlivened 2,15 million tons of goods, with a total increase of +16.8% regarding the same month of 2013. The Harbour Authority has announced that the goods sand banks has marked an increase of +23.5%, while the liquid bulk has a decrease quickly of -9,0%. They have turned out down also the goods in container, with a handling of containers that has been pairs to 13.142 teu (- 11.2%), while those have grown on rotabili that are increased of +121.7% to beyond 67 thousand tons. The increase also of the Freeways of the Sea is continued also that have marked a +83.7% of vehicles enlivened regarding January 2013. In increase also the raw materials for the ceramics, and clay and feldspar, than, with above all almost 130 thousand tons in more regarding January 2013, have recorded an increment pairs to +69.5%.
"They are content - it has commented Of Marco - than the constant and meticulous job that is making with all the operating ports to a continuous one, even though still contained, increase of the traffic. Certainly, data relative to container, down, arouses some worry and confirmation this that for a long time I support, that is that at this point we have arrived to the point in which the participation is not rinviabile than deepening of the backdrops, which, moreover, is attended by all the operators, many of which remained to Ravenna own because shown they it imminent start of this great work of potenziamento of the port of call. While, we continue to work "with the screwdriver" on all the others foreheads, being looked for to guarantee services of greater quality and rapidity - task to the Unico Doganale Door, the pre-clearing and the clearance in sea, for example - to promote the potentialities of the port of call (the next week - it has announced Of Marco - I will be to Miami to meet the top manager of the greatest crocieristiche companies of the world) and above all not to lose the occasions in order to obtain financings that they allow to give start to immediately cantierabili works".
The Harbour Authority of Ravenna has remembered that in such sense, as a result of the publication of the bill so-called "Italy Destination", it has supplied to the transmission, for the examination of the CIPE, of already definitive and appaltabili projects in the short times, for beyond 40 million euros, relatively to the realization of wharves of berthing for the ferries in Largo Trattaroli and works collaterals for the potenziamento of the modal transfer inside of the port, to the restructure of the dock so-called Marcegaglia and to the restructure of the so-called Dock Department stores.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher