Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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Assoporti and unions ask clarity on the contract for the dependent for the Harbour Authorities
the uncertainty situation - they have emphasized - cannot drag on beyond
April 15, 2014
Today the Association of the Italian Ports (Assoporti) and the labor organizations Filt Cgil, Fit Cisl and Uiltrasporti has sent to the minister of Infrastructures and of the Transports, Maurizio Lupi, a demand so that it is made "clarity, in times sure breviums and, on the full application to the dependent of the Harbour Authorities than previewed in the agreement of I renew of the national collective bargaining agreement of the dependent of the ports signed in these days".
"The situation of uncertainty deriving from interpretations, improper and not condivisibili of norms reported to the dependent publics and the persistent state of agitation of the dependent of the Harbour Authorities - they have explained the president of Assoporti, Pasqualino Monti, and the labor organizations - cannot drag on beyond. It is risked to drag the portualità in a sour conflict phase that would condition, in fact, also the debate on hypothesis of review of the norm of reference for the portualità".
"The instrument of the only contract, the homogeneity of the normative and economic treatment in all its forecasts - they have moreover found constitute is for the Harbour Authorities that for the labor organizations a certainty element that cannot fail in a delicate phase which the current one. We are sure that the minister is able to estimate of the importance".
"If it is not resolved the problem - they have concluded Monti and the unions - beyond aggravating the conflict would disparage the dealing and its role in the re-balance of the purchasing power of the salaries".
Such fine Assoporti and unions have asked an encounter the minister.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher