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Green light of the EU commission to the Great plan of the port of Salerno
Investment of 73 million euros, of which 53,2 million financed from the EU. Saturday to the way Sea Sun Salerno
July 1, 2014
Today the city council member to the Operas and public works of the Region Campania, Edoardo Cosenza, delegated of president Caldoro to the coordination of the Great regional plans, has announced "the green light definitive from the EU commission to the Great Logistic plan "and carries. Integrated system harbour of Salerno", than - it has remembered - is worth 73 million euros, of which 53,2, pairs to 75%, financed from the EU". "It is - it has added Cosenza - a news that we attended: it follows the ok definitive that same the EU has given to the 12 june slid to the Great plan Port of Naples (that it is worth 154 million euros)".
"the today's approval - it has continued the city council member - will allow to continue in the performance of the already under way procedures for the performance of the previewed intense activities that, united with those for the partenopeo port of call, they will allow to improve in way strategic and integrated the harbour logistics of the Campania". "In particular - it has specified Cosenza - in the within of the Great plan Port of Salerno, it could be quickly completed the iter quickly of award of the contest already left 16 past April of the relative lottery of intense activities to the consolidation of the Pier Trapeze that is worth 32 million euros and will serve to realize the consolidation of the side West (380 meters of length) and of the head (long 100 meters). The Great plan for the port of call Salerno province previews others two meaningful participations: the modification with widening of the mouth harbour, that it will improve the conditions of safety and fruibilità of the port (that has an economic picture of 20 million euros) and the escavo of the harbour backdrops, that is an indispensable activity to the aim to allow the income and the maneuver, in conditions of safety, to commercial ships and that meters and to escavo of the channel of access to the port until the -17 bathymetry will serve to wind down the current backdrop of the harbour basin from the -8/-11 quota meters to the quota comprised from -11.50 meters to -17 meters (the Economic Picture 21.000.000 euros)".
"the subject actuator of the Great plan - the regional city council member has remembered - is the Harbour Authority of Salerno that is going ahead also with connected other asset".
"the regional structure and the Harbour Authority of Salerno - the president of the Campania Region has commented, Stefano Caldoro - are making an optimal job. We maintain the engagements and we respect the program. We more than others have headed at the port of call of Salerno".
While next saturday in the Sottopiazza of the Concord of Salerno will open the twelfth edition of "Sea Sun Salerno", the Festivity of the organized Sea from the Harbour Authority in order to celebrate the successes of the port of Salerno. The event will be inaugurated to hours 20,30 with the first encounter on "the Sea of the Campania: an economic occasion for all. The Port of Salerno and its successes." Al term of the debate will be inaugurated the Arena of the Sea with the concert of Sal Da Vinci "If love is", so giving the way to the numerous shows in program to the Arena that will enrich the salernitana summer. The Festivity of the Sea will continue the 7 July with the encounter to hours 20,30 on "the reform of the Italian portualità" and it will shut with the show de the Nymphs of the Tammorra in "Scaramantrika". Other thematic encounters will carry out to hours 20,30 before the 18 shows of July ("the strategic role of the Port of Salerno in the Mediterranean"), 8 August ("new crocieristico Polo: an ulterior occasion of development"), 23 August ("Infrastructures: a surer and modern Port of call") and 4 september ("the new Portuale Town development plan. New investments and new occupation").
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher