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The 7 and 8 October to Naples will hold the fifth edition of "Shipping and the Law"
To the encounter some between the greater actors of the world of the shipping will convene, of the finance and other asset tied to the marine industry
October 3, 2014
The 7 and 8 October next to Naples will hold the fifth edition of "Shipping and the Law", the intentional and organized appointment by Francesco Saverio Lauro, marittimista lawyer already president of the Harbour Authority of Naples, in occasion of which some between the greater actors of the world of the shipping, the finance and other asset tied to the marine industry meet in order to be confronted more important on the issues legacies to the field.
The encounter - it has anticipated the Lauro Law firm - will see as relatori and participants to the round tables some between the maximums exponents of the shipowning industry, the shipbuilding one, the finance, the insurance and bank world, beyond to coming lawyers, jurists and marine international wills from all the world. Between beyond 200 industry present leaders: Emanuele Grimaldi, president of Confitarma and managing director of the first Italian shipowning group with a fleet of beyond one hundred ships; the thirty-five-year-old number one of Scorpio, Emanuele Lauro, "enfant prodige" of the shipping international famous in order in the past couple of years to have tidy a most modern fleet of econavi with capitals (private equities) harvests on the international markets; John Lyras, representative of the associations of the European and Greek shipowners; Jeffrey Pribor, world-wide responsible for the marine investments of Jefferies LLC, the main investment bank in the field of the shipping; Vincenzo Petrone, president of Fincantieri; John Wiik, CEO of the Norwegian Hull Club, the greatest world-wide insurer; Richard Fulford-Smith, managing director of RS Platou, one of the greatest societies than brokerage.
This year the habitual conference that will hold 8 October will be preceded and widened to premiere entitled workshop "Echo: Investing in Technologies", previewed for the afternoon of the day 7 October near Palazzo du Mesnil, in via Partenope 10/A. The initiative is organized with the Group Young Shipping of Confitarma and to ATHENA - Italian Association of Naval Technology, whose presidents Andrea Garolla of Bard and Alberto Moroso will moderate the debate. After the opening of Francesco S. Lauro, the participations of Apostolos Poulovassilis, Umberto D'Amato are previewed, Fabio Di Felice, Dario Bocchetti, Volkmar Galke and Guido Ceccherelli. To follow a panel moderated by Ugo Salerno from the title "Why investing in echo-ships" in which Emanuele Lauro, Lorenzo Matacena, Valeria Novella, Jeffrey Pribor will take part (the number one of merchant bank the Jefferies) and several shipping young people of Confitarma.
The conference that will carry out in the entire day of 8 Wednesdays October near the Saint Monumental complex Maria Donnaregina, in via Luigi Settembrini 80, previews four sessions. During the session of Emanuele Grimaldi opening, John C. Lyras, Vincenzo Petrone, Jeffrey Pribor, Ugo Salerno and John Wiik will discuss about "Global Challenges and Strategic Decisions in the Current Shipping Markets" in a panel that will be moderated by Francesco S. Lauro and Richard Fulford-Smith, with the conclusions by Peppino D'Amato. The session, to which the minister of Infrastructures and the Transports is invited, Maurizio Lupi, will be concluded with geopolitical topics: "Geo-political outlook", a relation by the gen. Vincenzo Camporini, former Chief of Staff of the Defense, and the participation of Marco of the Panta, of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, that he will describe to state of the art of the mission "Mare Nostrum".
In the second session "Follow the Money", presided by Diego Pacella and Jeffrey Pribor, it will be spoken about finance: financial shipowners, bankers and experts will be confronted in particular on the role of private equity in the industry of the shipping, but also on other topics as the access to the credit and the restructure of the enterprises in suffering. Between the present banks, besides the group Understanding - represented by Maurizio Barracco, president of the Bank of Naples - there will be, between the others: Mediobanca, ING, Credit Suisse and Citi Bank. Al term the relation "immune Shipping finance is not to EU competition law", by Mark Clough, expert lawyer in competition matter.
The third session of the day of Wednesday ("Managing the Risks Through Today's Turbulent Markets"), presided by Mauro Iguera and Federico Deodato, will be introduced by a relation of Mans Jacobsson (already director of the Oil Pollution Compensation Funds) on the case "Prestige". Insurers, shipowners, broker, lawyers and experts of management of the crises will examine the trends of the markets insurance and which reinsured you and those of the international endorsements, the pollution and the management of the crisis. Previewed the participations of John Wiik (CEO of the Norwegian Hull Club), Christopher Brown, Maurizio Dardani, Patrizia Kern-Ferretti, Mike Salthouse, Shawn Winter. They will participate to the round table: Angelo Ansaldo, James Bean, Michele Bottiglieri, Rocco Bozzelli, Maurizio d' Amico, Vittorio Damonte, Richard Jenssen, Lorenzo Matacena, Alessandro Morelli, Marco Poliseno, Leonardo Rondinella, Gerasimos Strintzis, Alexander Tsavliris.
The conclusive session ("Build, Buy, Charter"), presided by Clive Aston, president of the London marine wills, and from the owner of a shipping company Mariella Bottiglieri, will be introduced by a presentation by Giorgio Berlingieri, vice-president of the Comité Maritime International and will have as topic contracts of use, construction and naval repair, is from the legal point of view that commercial. After participations of David McInnes, Christian Mollitor, David Pitlarge, Furio Samela and Ernersto Ardia for the Lauro Study, will discuss about the argument Olof Berndtsson, Giuseppe Bottiglieri, Carlo Cameli, Giovanni Cimmino, Giacomo Gavarone, Marie Kelly, Salvatore Lauro, Andrea Mastellone, Valeria Novella, Brian Robertson and Yannis Triphyllis.
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