Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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Convention "the port-region, a scene for the future of the Friuli Venice Julia: to define it, to plan it, to realize it"
The 11novembre will hold to Udine
November 4, 2014
Next 11 November to Udine, in Sala Gusmani di Palazzo Antonini, the within of edition 2014 of Future Forums, the review for the enterprises and the territory dedicated to the visions and forecasts of future in the economy, the society and in drafts of life in course from on 20 October on 20 November, will hold a convention on the topic "the port-region, a scene for the future of the Friuli Venice Julia: to define it, to plan it, to realize it" organized from the Chamber of Commerce of Udine in collaboration with the University of the Studies of Udine, Department of civil engineering and architecture, Department of economic sciences and statistics, Department of legal sciences, and Friuli Future Forums.
The convention will begin with the presentation of the book "Fvg-Europe. Last call. A port-region between the Mediterranean and Centro Europa" by Sandro Fabbro and Maurizio Maresca (Editions Forum, 2014) and will be articulated in a series of specialized participations that will discuss, from various angles-shot, the perspective of the project of the "port-region".
recording participants
Start of the convention It presides Andrea Moretti, director of the Department of Economic Sciences and Statistics
Salutes of the authorities: Alberto Felice De Toni, University chancellor Università of Udine Giovanni Da Pozzo, President Camera di Commercio of Udine
Giacomo Borruso, already Chancellor of the University of the Studies of Trieste, anticipates the FVG-Europe book.Last call.A port-region between the Mediterranean and Centro Europa
General the strategic implications It presides Marina Brollo, director of the Department of Legal Sciences
Andrea Moretti, director of the Department of Economic Sciences and Statistics: New scenes and local economic systems
Maurizio Maresca, Department of Legal Sciences: Policies and regulation of the transports between Europe, state and region
Sandro Fabbro, Department of Civil engineering and Architecture: To plan and to realize the territorial ecosystem "port-region"
Functional and operating aspects It presides Gaetano Russo, director Dipartimento di Civil Ingegneria and Architecture
Marco Dean, PhD Student, University College London: definitions, members and cases of the port-region
Lara Brunello, Assegnista of search, University of Udine: functional members of the port-region in FVG and they performance
Coffee Break
Maurizio Ionico, amm. only Udine-Cividale Railroads: functional areas and I rearrange of the territory in FVG
Bruno Podbersig, Directive national Assologistica and To Delta 1 of Trieste: Enterprise and job in the logistic system and the port-region
Antonio Massarutto, Department of Economic Sciences and Statistics: Great territorial projects and they financing
Opportunity and actions in the friulana area towards the port-region Coordinated programmed participations by Sandro Fabbro, University of Udine
Matteo Tonon, President Confindustria Udine Roberto Muradore, Secretary Cisl union, Udine Giuseppe Bortolussi, President Interporto of Pordenone Giuseppe Morandini, President CARI FVG
Conclusions Debora Serracchiani, President of the Independent Region Friuli Venice Julia (*)
(*) the availability has been date, attends the definitive confirmation.
To you anticipate in room will be distributed a free copy of the FVG-Europe book. Ultima Chiamata. A port-region between the Mediterranean and Centro Europa (And Forum, 2014)
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher