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Signed new contracts collectives marine and for staff administrative
Filt, Fit and Uilt, the contract answers to the strong question of simplification and rationalization in highly jagged national a contractual panorama
July 1, 2015
Today to Rome, in the Shipping center of the Italian Confederation (Confitarma), the agreement has been undersigned for renews is of the normative part that of the economic part of the collective bargaining agreements of the marine field, agreement that will have validity on December 31, 2017 until. I renew of past due contracts on December 31, 2010 interests about 54.500 marine boarded on ships clappers Italian flag to which 7,800 join assigned to earth, for a total of about 62.000 workers.
Confitarma has evidenced that regarding the retributive increments the parts have found, after a laborious one confronts, an understanding with which it has been tried on one side to give a satisfactory economic answer to the workers and from the other to return for the companies the greater contractual burdens sustainable. The retributive increase, online with the interconfederali understandings on the matter, will be subdivided in three tranche.
For the normative part - it has explained the shipowning confederation - the elements of greater I enunciate are: simplification and rationalization of the national collective bargaining agreements for the various sections of the marine field (in this optical are decided also of accorpare the several CCNL of the field in Contratto Unico Collettivo Nazionale of job of the private sector of the shipowning industry); definition of a new national collective bargaining agreement a lot simplified applicable to the marine employees on cargo ships armys from enterprises that operate on international traffics; introduction in the CCNL of the tugs of the possibility to define, through the business integrating dealing and in the presence of suitable operating conditions, on board more flexible organizations of the job, such to allow to reach levels of productivity comparable to those of the concurrent enterprises of the other countries of the European Union.
The president of Confitarma, Emanuele Grimaldi, has emphasized "the political importance that I renew contractual covers not certainly for the entire field species in an economic moment between most favorable. I wish however - it has added - to formulate a sincere appreciation for which they have lavished for the attainment of this result having turned a particular thanks to Stefano Messina, president of the Commission Relazioni and Human Resources of Confitarma, that it has known to manage with particular professionality and sense of balance the legal table being exceeded also moments of great difficulty".
"We have crossed - Stefano Messina has confirmed - also moments of strong tension which had to the long period of economic crisis that has invested the entire economy and that it has made to feel its effects also on the world of the shipping. But we are however successful to lead in port a long and difficult negotiation without the effettuazione of a single day of strike. Moreover - it has specified Messina - we wish that the picture of the negotiation is completed with the full performance of the important trade-union understanding, reached, on February 26, 2015 regarding the boarding of the students: in we are attended that the Ministry of Infrastructures and the Transports melts reserve on the validity of the previewed formative distance in the cited understanding".
Also Fedarlinea, the Italian Association of National Cabotage that with Confitarma and the other datoriali associations Assorimorchiatori and Federimorchiatori has undersigned the agreement, has evidenced as the signature of the agreement represents a moment of great importance for throws again of the field whose contracted they were blocked by end 2010, is for the method followed that for the contents. The new contracts - it has found Fedarlinea - are meaningfully thinner of the precedence, that they were centered on the truth typically publishes of the Tirrenia Group; one passes from nine contracts collectives to two: Commanders and Chief engineers of the National Armament and personal administrative sailor and of the societies that carry out services of marine cabotage, is with ships of beyond 50 tons of tonnage is with fast units and hydrofoils.
President of Fedarlinea, Michele Ruggieri, has rimarcato the strategic valence of renews that, thanks to the understandings with the social parts, fixed an important small pole in a field, as that of national the marine transport, that he finds it hard to find a coherent stabilization with the interests of the operators and potential the economic one who could express. Gennaro Cotella, director of the Human Resources of Tirrenia-CIN, has evidenced the value of modernization and alignment of new contracts to the requirements of companies that more and more must value the factor I work as decisive competitive element.
For Filt Cgil, Fit Cisl and Uiltrasporti, the new contract "represents a positive sign in terms of wage increase and of normative protection". According to the three labor organizations signers, "the contract answers to the strong question of simplification and rationalization in highly jagged national a contractual panorama, collecting in a common part, thirteen contracts of the marine field and reaching the objective of having an only employment contract for the shipowning field".
"In the new text - they have found among other things Filt, Fit and Uilt - the bases for an ulterior guarantee of stability are put on the several forms of existing unstableness in the marine world, beginning from the new relative discipline to the income in the enterprises of the Italian apprentice officers".
For the three unions, from the economic point of view "with the relative part to the wage recovery that exceeds the relative data to the IPCA, with an increase in two years and means of 5.7% on the minimum wage, pairs to about 80 euros on tabellare and a dragging in positive also on the other economic institutes of the same paycheck, the marine field jumps towards a perspective of effective protection of the salary".
"This I renew, with a negotiation which lasted more than a year - they have concluded Filt, Fit and Uilt - the unitary relationship demonstrates that is indispensable and within next the 20 July will today hold the consultation between the workers for the validity of the signed CCNL".
"Today - it has observed the national secretary of the Filt Cgil, Nino Cortorillo - it is not only I renew after beyond four years from the expiration, but it is born the national contract of the marine transport who unifies the world of work and of the enterprises". "The contract - it has specified - holds with all the marine field maintaining the parts specific". According to the trade-union leader Filt, moreover, "it is an Italian contract that is in the total economy and norm the conditions of the marine ones is Italian is non-EU citizens that operate on the ships of the Italian Registry. The medium economic increase of 80 euros in three tranche and 500 euros of an one-off for all the workers - Cortorillo has asserted - represent an answer to the world of work in a period of economic crisis of the field".
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher