Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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the backdrops of the new Europe Platform of the port of Livorno could be deepened from -16 to -20 meters
the contest ban is practically ready and could be published after the green light of the National Authority Anticorruzione
October 16, 2015
In the course of the today's reunion of the Harbour Committee of Livorno the extraordinary commissioner of the Harbour Authority, Giuliano Gallanti, has returned some clarifications on the project of realization of the Europe Platform that - it has confirmed - will be planned in order to answer to the challenges of naval gigantism. "the study of feasibility of the Europe Platform previews 16 meters of depth; we will work, but - it has specified - in order to realize a imbasamento until 20 meters. The promoter will estimate then if to go beyond how much provisional one from the Portuale Town development plan". If the winner of the contest for the management of the new harbour terminal will want therefore to have of a depth of the advanced backdrop to -16 meters will have to introduce a project and to indicate an adequate solution for digestion of the dredged material.
"The outer docks and works - it has added Marco Tartagini, in charge of the Modimar, the society front man in the planning of the PRP - will be determined the proportions on the escort of the new requirements of escavo and will have a greater cost regarding that originally provisional". For this reason, before the indiction of the contest, it will have to be updated the feasibility study that successively will be object of examination during Conference of Services.
It is specified that, if the promoter had to opt for a greater deepening of the backdrops, an functional technical adaptation of the Portuale Town development plan will be enough to subject to the appraisal of the Higher council of the Public works: "Draft - it has emphasized Claudio Vanni, in charge of PRP - of an initiative that does not demand much time. To Piombino, where they have started similar procedures - it has specified - have not put to us more two-month-old".
Gallanti has communicated moreover that the contest ban is practically ready: ""before being able to publish the contest ban on the Europea Gazette - but it has clarified the extraordinary commissioner of the Harbour Authority of Livorno - it will be necessary a passage with the National Authority Anticorruzione". To such purpose the general secretary of the harbour agency, Massimo Provinciali, has announced that he is about to be stipulated with the ANAC a convention for the collaborative vigilance and the monitoring of the procedure of relative contest to the Europe Platform. "Article 4 of the regulations in matter of activity of vigilance of the Authority - it has said Provincial - arranges that the contracting out stations can ask an activity for pre-emptive vigilance also finalized to verify the conformity of the actions of contest to the enforced norm. We have written to the ANAC on 6 October, demanding in purpose their collaboration and illustrating to great lines the importance of the Europe Platform". The convention that will come undersigned to days from the two parts will start therefore a collaboration that will allow with the National Authority Anticorruzione to supply observations on the contest ban before its publication on the Gazette.
Vanni has illustrated the iter of the contest procedure: in the first phase - it has explained - "they will come collections the interest manifestations and will be selected the subject participants on the base of a series of requirement. For this step aerobic they are demanded about three months". Concluded the phase of it prequalifies, will come then started a public debate. In fact the guarantee and the promotion of the participation are taken to contacts with the regional Authority for, which regional law 46 of 2013 entrusts the task to promote the participation of the citizens in the processes of construction of the regional and local policies. The regional organism already has received all the relative material to the realization of the first phase of the Europe Platform and is managing a deliberation for the start of the public debate, than it will be carried out during the phase of elaboration of the preliminary projects by the subjects that have received the invitation letter. One assumes that they will be granted to the participants about six months in order to write up the preliminary project and to carry out all the necessary analyses Geo-techniques on the areas interested from the realization of the work. In order to verify the ulterior administrative documentation, the technical and economic offers, us other four months will want at least before to reach to the location of the highest bidder.
If the introduced preliminary project from the winning subject will be coherent with the forecasts of the PRP will be enough the approval by the Harbour Authority, otherwise an functional technical adaptation will be necessary to subject to the attention of the Higher council of the Public works. After that the contract of concession with the promoter will come undersigned, contract could not be stipulated if not after the accomplishment of all the implementations previewed from the norm, between which the verifications antimafia. The promoter will have to then develop to the definitive and executive planning of all the work, that it will have to be subordinate to the appraisal of the Higher council of the Public works and to the appraisal of environmental impact. From the moment in which undersigned comes the contract of concession at the moment of the approval of the executive project is previewed about 14 months.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher