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NGO Shipbreaking Platform denunciation that 60% of the naval demolitions still happen on the spiagge of the Asian south-east
Of the 768 ships dismantled in the course of 2015, 469 are demolished on the spiagge of Bangladesh, India and Pakistan
February 5, 2016
Beyond 60% of the ships demolished altogether in the course of the 2015 are dismantled on the spiagge of the Asian south-east in plants that would not respect the international standards in topic of job and protection of the atmosphere. Denunciation is of NGO Shipbreaking Platform, platform that reunites organizations not governmental assets in safeguard of human rights, of job and of atmosphere, that it has collected given on the activities of naval demolition carried out in a 2015 in the world taking a census total of 768 ships dismantled in the course of the year, of which 469 on the spiagge of Bangladesh, India and Pakistan "where - NGO has denounced - the structures of naval demolition do not guarantee the respect of the most fundamental rights of the workers, they ignore the international laws in topic of management of the refusals and violate normative environmental".
"In spite of the classified attention to international level to the problem of the naval dismantling on spiagge the Asian meridionals - it has emphasized Patrizia Heidegger, executive director of NGO Shipbreaking Platform - statistics of year 2015 demonstrate that the majority of the shipowners has not minimally changed own policies of demolition, preferring Bangladesh gets worse places of demolition to the world which. Numerous adolescents are employed in the manual dismantling of the fine boats to life on the flat tidale of Chittagong".
The not governmental organization has emphasized that some shipowners "deliberately choose southern Asia as final destination for dismantling sells the old ships to cash-buyers. Draft - the NGO has explained - of societies specialized in the market of the tonnage which reached fine life. The cash-buyers they totally offer to the shipowners possible the higher price as fee of the sale, assuming itself the relative responsibilities to the management of the boats during the last phase of the life-cycle of the same ones. The commercial ships contain great amounts of materials toxics as asbestos, composed engine sludge and varnishes from heavy metals. For the naval enterprises he is less convenient, from an exclusively economic point of view, to opt for a recycling sure and cleaned in structures the vanguard. To scrap a ship in India, Pakistan or Bangladesh is favorable visas the low costs of environmental the insufficient labor and the prescription. To this then the conditions of the market of the steel join, which at the moment are more favorable in southern Asia respect to other areas of the globe".
The NGO has specified that "in 2015, in single the Bangladesh, sixteen workers have died because of incidents which fallen explosions and from great heights. Some workers have remained crushed from great steel plates. At least twenty-two people have remained hurt and some of they are still waiting for to receive an adequate medical treatment. Very many other workers have become ill inhaling fibers of asbestos and smoke toxics which those producing from oxyhydrogen flames during the operations of cut of the steel skeleton of the ships". The not governmental organization has remembered that, "second the International Labor Organization, draft of one of the more dangerous work to the world. Also the Pakistani structures of Gadani - it has found the NGO - turn out to be little sure; the lack of infrastructures and methods in a position to assuring an appropriate management of hazardous waste is obvious that is found on board of the boats. In India - it has specified the organization - steps forward are made by some operators: four sites of dismantling, for example, are recognized as answering to requirement of the Convention of Hong Kong from the society of Japanese classification ClassNK (inforMARE on October 5, 2015). However the Platform nutre still regarding worries the primary area of intertidale dismantling deprives of any system of environmental protection, the lack of lodgings and sanitary structures for the workers and the lack of a management "downstream" of the refusals. The situated sites of dismantling in others you leave of the world - it has clarified moreover the NGO - do not operate all in sustainable way necessarily. Many societies of demolition will try to be enclosed in the European directory of the approved of structures of naval recycling. Those which answer to communitarian requirement and they do not cause the pollution of spiagge and coastal atmospheres will be only approved of".
Shipbreaking Platform has listed some of the happened more serious incidents last year in the course of the activities of dismantling of the ships: you it has been - it has remembered the organization - "a terrible gas explosion in press of the site of dismantling Shitol Enterprise in Bangladesh. The skeleton of the boat clapper flag of St. Kitts and Nevis, a typical flag used for the last travel of the fine ships to life, lay on the beach of Chittagong when the explosion of a cylinder has killed on the blow four workers and of it has had an accident as many. The ship on which such tragic event has taken place belonged to the Greek shipowner Universal Shipmanagement Corporation; the company, probably with the cooperation of a cash-buyer, had sold the boat some month before the tragedy to Shitol, without to worry itself of the quality of the services offered from the smantellatore".
According to Shipbreaking Platform, the first is Greece in classifies of gets worse inquinatori "with more - it has specified the organization - of seventy ships demolished in southern Asia. To total level, Greece is continuation from China, Germany, South Korea, Russia and Japan. To European level, it precedes Germany, United Kingdom, Cyprus, Italy, Switzerland, Norway and Poland. For the first time after various years - it has still specified the organization - Bangladesh figure as the favorite goal from the shipowners who have decided to dismantle own ships".
Regarding Italy, Shipbreaking Platform has explained that "in the 2015 eight ships pertaining to Italian shipowners they are dismantled in the world. The shipowners Saipem Spa, Enermar Transporti Srl and the Group Railroads of the State - it has found the organization - have opted for the structures of recycling of Aliaga, in Turkish earth, to which they have sold altogether four ships". The not governmental organization has instead complained that ships of the shipowning societies Ignazio Messina, Grimaldi Group and Cafiero Mattioli are demolished in the plants of the Asian south-east.
Shipping NGO Shipbreaking Platform has invited the Italian Confederation (Confitarma) "to dissociate from practical of demolition the not sustainable ones. The hour has reached - Nicola Mulinaris has asserted, communications and legal advisor of the not governmental organization - than the marine field takes conscience of the problem finally and that to the words they follow the facts. There are already companies that have opted for a sure and cleaned naval recycling. The alternatives therefore are real and percorribili. Also to governmental level - it has continued Mulinaris - it is necessary more determination not only in guaranteeing the respect of the European and international norms but also in promoting the competences of the Italian ports. To light of the recent legislative developments in the European Union, the Italian structures of recycling, as that you anticipate to Piombino and Genoa, could be asserted which leaders in the field".
The organization however has evidenced that "the recent adoptions of business policies of sure and cleaned naval dismantling by a group of shipowners demonstrate that is hope and that there are already percorribili alternatives. The European Union - the NGO has remembered - will publish within the end of a 2016 directory of the approved of structures of demolition as answering to European requirement. Only the ships clappers European flag will have to be dismantled in the approved of structures. However the list will be a useful instrument also for those shipowners that I possess boats exclusively clappers not European flags. They in fact will be able in voluntary form to make use of the contained information in such document and to opt for a recycling online with the communitarian standards. This will satisfy certainly those who demand a change of route by the industry of the naval demolition".
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