14.30-15.00 |
Institutional salutes and start of the work |
Marco Doria, Mayor of Genoa |
Giovanni Toti, President Regione Liguria |
Giovanni Pettorino, Commander of the Harbour office of Genoa and Commissario of the Harbour Authority of Genoa |
The process of reform of national the logistic and harbour field with particular reference to the new role that is assigned to the Municipalities in the within of the new model of governance of the ports |
Umberto Masucci, President Nazionale The International Propeller Clubs |
Focus on the main fields of the Genoese harbour marine cluster |
Enrico Musso, University of the Stuti of Genoa, Director C.I.E.L.I. |
15.00-16.30 |
Prima Sessione: "As favoring and supporting the development of the logistic, industrial functions and of the marine terziario" |
Introductory participation |
Emanuele Piazza, City council member to the Common Economic Development of Genoa |
Round table |
Alberto Amico, President Amico & Co. and Vice-president Italian Nautica |
Antonio Benvenuti, Consul CULMV P. Batini |
Marco Bisagno, Vice-president Confindustria |
Gilberto Danesi, Vice-president Assiterminal |
Gian Enzo Duci, President Assagenti |
Maurizio Fasce, President Spediporto |
Massimo Giacchetta, President CNA Genoa |
Ignazio Messina, Vice-president Gruppo Messina |
16.30-18.00 |
Second Session: "Genoa receives the wealth that comes from the sea: as increasing and valuing the attraction of the city and the tourist flows" |
Introductory participation |
Carla Sibilla, City council member to Common Tourism of Genoa |
Round table |
Massimo Brancaleoni, Senior Vice President World Wide Sales Costa Crociere |
Giuseppe Costa, President and TO Costa Edutainment |
Patrizia De Luise, President Confesercenti Liguria |
Ariel Dello Strologo, Proud President Ancient Porto and of Genoa |
Alessandro Ferrari, HR Director GNV |
Gianluigi Granero, President Legacoop Liguria |
Paolo Odono, President Camera di Commercio of Genoa |
Franco Zuccarino, President and TO MSC Cruises |
Participation by UCINA |
Conclusion of the work |
Emanuele Piazza, City council member to the Common Economic Development of Genoa |