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Undersigned a protocol for the protection of the job in the port of Ancona
extension of the application also in the other ports of the Harbour System of the Central Adriatic
September 28, 2016
Today near the Authority of Harbour System of Mare Adriatico Centrale, new denomination assumed from some days from the Harbour Authority of Ancona with the inclusion under its jurisdiction, before limited to the port of Ancona, also of the ports of call of Falconara, Pescara, Pesaro, San Benedetto del Tronto and Ortona, has been undersigned a protocol for the protection of the job signed from the agency and the social parts.
In the premise the document evidences that "in the crisis moments it is necessary that the communities strengthen own ties of solidarity to the aim to avoid that the crash of interests details of it questions the same survival" and that "such principle is never valid how much in the port of Ancona that aims at to recover the spirit and the competence who has afforded it to become port "Core" of the communitarian nets and being between the more important fleeting ports of call of the Mediterranean, adapting it to the innovations that in the years have modified not little the orders and the operating docks and in order to guarantee a future to it of development".
In the premise is evidenced also the necessity "to lead an analysis of the current situation of the port of Ancona - through the official data in availability of the organs you premail, first of all the Authority of Harbour System - being verified the potentialities of the port of call in tightened relation to the logistic offer that the territory is able to express", analysis that constitutes "the indispensable base in order to increase the levels of efficiency and for eventual you rearrange organizational, to place in being in the period in which the current situation of crisis it will stretch to stop".
Moreover is emphasized the indispensability, through the role and the competences of the Authority of Harbour System, "to guarantee the "respect of the rules", through which to assure pairs conditions of treatment for all the operating subjects in harbour within", "to promote the productive continuity, favoring in such a way the programming of the investments, through the punctual definition of iter and the sure times of performance of the choices of planning and realization of the new docks and harbour large squares" and "to share that in order to allow political of investment inside of the port it is necessary to constitute a general picture of clarity and certainty, found in actions and of perspective".
With the protocol for the protection of the job the parts "convene in characterizing the following formulations and the following organizational criteria with which to construct to commercial dynamics correspondents to the requirements of the market:
- To contribute to create the conditions for a future development of the harbour economy and the occupation, being valued the potentialities and optimizing the resources of the port, is for the authorized enterprises according to art. the 16 of the law 84/1994 that for the other operating enterprises inside of the harbour within, the marine agencies and the operating yards in the naval shipbuilding field of the commercial one and from diporto comprised;
- the CCNL and the relationships of job from disciplined they, in the respect of the norms on safety in the job places, constitute basic element of the harbour activities;
- the enterprise plans that the societies petitioners concessions and authorizations will deposit united to own requests, are indispensable elements for the appraisal of the attended occupational levels regarding the contents of the authorizations and the same concessions. To such care the Authority of Harbour, second System the forecasts of which to art. the 18 of law 84/1994, it will carry out verifications anniversaries on the respect of the same plans; analogous verifications will be carried out also for the other operating enterprises according to art. the 36 of the involved Navigation code in the shipbuilding field of the naval one;
- the competition between enterprises and the release of the authorizations and former concessions art. 16, 17 and 18, will be regulated in rigorous application than previewed in the enforced norm, according to criteria of better attainment of the public interest.
- the Authority of Harbour System is the recognized guarantor of the adherent system of rules to the enforced norms, mainly for how much it concerns is the release or I renew of the authorizations/concessions (former articles. 16/18), are for the supply of temporary job (former art. 17)".
the protocol precise that, "relatively to the confidence of the single phases of the cycle of the harbour operations, the parts agree with the criteria and the implementations previewed in the enforced Regulations for the exercise of the operations and the harbour services adopted with deliberation of the Harbour Committee n. 3 of the 11.01.2016, and in particular that:
1. The confidence of a phase is allowed single in presence of requirement of the "contract legitimizes";
2. Full organizational autonomy in head to the affidataria enterprise that work with enterprise risk;
3. The entrusting and affidatario contract between must express contemplate the criterion of risk of enterprise in head to the affidatario;
4. Situations of temporary job do not have to be shaped;
5. Regarding the harbour services, these must correspond to the characteristics indicated from the enforced norms of "specialized, complementary performances and accessory to the cycle of the harbour operations" and therefore they cannot be coinciding with they".
the precise document moreover that, "with this formulation, the parts share that:
1. The business dynamic ordinaries, are for authorized subjects according to art. the 16 of the law 84/1994 that for the operating enterprises inside of the harbour within, demands the sharing of initiatives times to contain possible situations of occupational esuberi between the enterprises that operate in the port of Ancona. Therefore, in dynamics of the commercial relationships and of eventual modifications of the managerial orders of the enterprises, the instruments of social ammortizzazione will have to be activated all, of formation and professional requalification, previewed from the norm, in support of the workers;
2. The parts agree on the opportunity to contribute to the maintenance of the occupational levels in port through use it of the remembered instruments over, so that in the cases of organic necessities of widening of the business ones, are taken into consideration the workers in esubero near other enterprises, if with pairs professional qualification regarding searched how much. To such fine the companies will estimate of first call working expelled from the production process and in order to facilitate such verification a white one near the Authority of Harbour System will be instituted appropriate;
3. In matter of
FORMATION a) protocol anticipates must promote the use of the deep ones of the regional and European Bilaterality/for the improvement of the professionality and in order to facilitate the ricollocazione of the staff;
b) to promote agreements for business, territorial plans formative of sector site or
the Authority of Harbour System, in this within can favor the activity of qualification and requalification for the professional figures of specific interest of the productive field, let alone for the workers to risk exclusion from the labor market, also putting on competences and structures of which the same one it takes part in the within of the formation.
4. In matter of SAFETY OF LAVORO
the parts judging positively the experience started with the institution of the representative of the workers of SITE safety, as expected from the Ccnl of the ports and confirming of the prosecuzione, intend to increase the involvement to the RLS of the enterprises of the shipbuilding field of naval and the marine agencies for a better information and sensitization between the workers and a more effective control on the respect of the norms in matter of prevention and safety in the job places. In order to establish modality and procedures the parts will define appropriate regulations.
5. In matter of
CONTRACTS the parts signers of anticipate protocol, in sharing the objective of the defense and improvement of the conditions of job of all the dependent of the enterprises that operate in harbour within of the respect of the Ccnl of reference, the norms in prevention matter and safety, let alone of the rigorous observance of the obligations in matter of regularity of the job relationships, are engaged to promote actions finalized to the respect of the social clause, to the punctual observance of the norms of the D.U.R.C and if of the works buildings to the obligatory registration to the building case according toart. 1 Co. 3 of law reg. 8/05, also in coherence with Protocollo of legality for the prevention of the attempts of infiltration of the organized crime in the contracts publics undersigned with the Prefecture of Ancona 27 November 2015”.
In the document is clarified that l '' performance of the protocol will be monitored by the Authority of Harbour System and that the parts are engaged see again or to widen the contents of the protocol in the times in which will be totally operating I decree legislative 169/2016 in harbour matter of reform, also estimating the possibility to extend of the application, advance consultation of local the social parts, also in the other constituent ports the Harbour System of the Central Adriatic.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher