Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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Course in order to compulsory form the figure of edge assistant
It is activated by GNV and the Italian Academy of Marina Mercantile
January 17, 2017
Large Navi Veloci (GNV) and the Italian Academy of Marina Mercantile have started a course in order to compulsory form the figure of assistant of edge, a figure of staff to support of the purser, that is the official in charge of the coordination and of the organization of all the hotel staff of room and kitchen and of the acceptance on board. In particular, the figure of the assistant compulsory on board coadiuva the purser in the relationship with the customers and the accomplishment of practical the administrative ones, assisting it in the editing of the case statement, in the management of the cabins in order to satisfy the demands for the passengers and in the control of the presences of the edge staff, besides to supply assistance to the customers and to take care on board of the connected logistic problems to the hospitality.
The course, opened to 12 communitarian citizens in possession of requirement previewed from the ban published on the site of the Academy to the address, has a total duration of 568 hours, of which 400 hours of lesson and 168 of internship on board of ships GNV, and previews the release of certifications IMO-STCW as a result of the overcoming of the examinations of Basic Safety Training and of certificate PMR for the assistance to the people with reduced mobility.
To the corsisti that will finish positively the formative distance and that they will reach the threshold of the 60/100 to the final verification of suitability to the profession, GNV guarantees the assumption, within 18 months from the term of the course, as attending students compulsory in training and for altogether not inferior periods of boarding to the six months; to the term of the period of training, against positive appraisal, the students could be assumed as non-comissioned officers from the company, with the qualification of office assistant, in general turn.
The course is developed in the within of the synergy started in 2010 between the company of navigation and Italian Academy of Marina Mercantile, become center of national formation for GNV from 2011. The agreement with the Academy has carried from 2011 to 2016 to distribute every year beyond 600 hours of formation turned to some 300 people of the company, between earth and edge staff.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher