Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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Initiative of Trasportounito in order to resolve the problem of the area of pause for the trucks to the port of Genoa
Previewed areas of pause interconnected for via data transmission
February 2, 2017
Also constituting for the port of Genoa, so like for the overwhelming majority of the other Italian harbour ports of call, the carrying axis of connection with the hinterland, in from Liguria chief town neither the Harbour Authority neither the Municipality and other institutions have not even not succeeded to satisfy the requirements of the road haulage offering to the truck drivers a car park for the pause.
If you want a thing done well do it yourself, must have thought Trasportounito, comprehensibly stove to attend concrete answers from the public administrations. So the association of the haulers, after years of demands fallen in the nothing, has introduced today an own initiative in order to resolve the situation. Trasportounito has announced that from next April 200 you park in the area of Fields will be opened to all the enterprises and associations and will be managed by the consortium Trasportounito Service. Moreover it is to the examination the protect possibility to create others 150 you space of pause in the zone of the airport. The pause areas would be interconnected for via data transmission.
"today outlines - Giuseppe Tagnochetti has explained, in charge of Trasportounito Liguria - a completely new picture of the practicability for heavy means, that we consider can return the idea of a great only car park old, about which is spoken from 20 years and that probably it will not be made never, involving a annual average cost of approximately 2,5 million euros at the expense of the enterprises, between endorsements, thefts, damagings to the vehicles, also cargos. In logic of the frame areas, the possibility is delineated to realize another area of pause for the Tir to Voltri and to in concrete terms affect the phenomenon of the congestionamento and the tails, often caused from inadequate or not completed infrastructures, through a computer science interconnection. In this optical the private management of the pause areas would find an essential coordination in the participation of the logistic platform national Uirnet that own in these days has meaningfully assumed the control of E-port, that is the system of computer science coordination of the port of Genoa, unblocking in fact the plan of dialogue integrated between road haulage and genoese harbour Community".
Tagnochetti has specified that Trasportounito will invite to confronts on this perspective the other the territorial associations and institutions.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher