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the representative of the Municipality of Salerno named member of the Committee of management of the AdSP of the Tyrrhenian Sea Central
Spirit: "Naples and Salerno can grow together"
February 13, 2017
The president of the Authority of Harbour System of the Tyrrhenian Sea Central, Pietro Spirito, has named Nino Criscuolo which representative of the Municipality of Salerno inside of the Committee of management of the agency, than the new norms in harbour matter they have called to manage the ports of Naples and Salerno, previously under the jurisdiction of the respective Harbour Authorities, let alone the port of Castellammare di Stabia.
Criscuolo, designated to the charge from the Municipality of Salerno, has been alderman of Salerno and previously he has been employee of the Unica Lavoratori Portuali Cooperative "Flavio Gioia", supplier cooperative of temporary labor in the port Salerno province, and provincial secretary of the Filt Cgil Transports. The ufficializzazione of the nomination of Criscuolo has arrived this morning in the course of an encounter near the center of the Municipality of Salerno between the mayor, Vincenzo Napoli, and Pietro Spirito to which has participated also the alderman to the Budget and the development, Roberto De Luca and Francesco Messineo, general secretary of the AdSP of the Tyrrhenian Sea Central.
"The specificity of the port of Salerno - the mayor in occasion of the encounter has declared - goes defended. We have received, in such sense, the availability by the president Spirito which has officially communicated us to have inside named our representative Nino Criscuolo of the Committee. This has particularly relieved us because in such a way we will assert our proposals that always will be oriented by a collaborativo spirit, to safeguard than constructed in these years. We have rimarcato to president Spirito - Vincenzo Napoli has explained - our determination to the completion of the works who we consider for the development of our harbour structure and also he indispensable, with we, will be activated near the competent ministries so that they are unblocked of the practical ones ankylosed that they have a not tolerable tempistica".
"We have convene with the mayor of Salerno - Pietro Spirito has asserted - a distance that leaves inside from the nomination of Nino Criscuolo of the Committee of management, it passes through the priority investments that serve to Salerno in order to upgrade its ability to development of the services and the connections, to go to an increase project that is contained in the document of triennial plan on which now we begin I confront with the institutions and the Committee of management. We want to make so that within the February month such distance complete. The ports of the Campania - it has added the president of the AdSP of the Tyrrhenian Sea Central - can traguardare objectives of increment of the traffics on condition that genres a relationship of strong collaboration with the territorial and national institutions. In such sense to create to special the economic zone between the ports of Naples and Salerno constitutes a strategic dowel of primary relief".
About the possible perspectives of increase of the port of Salerno, Spirit has specified that "obviously he depends very, for all, from the evolution of the international economy. I am convinced, wishing that the productive system confirms the distance of increase already undertaken - has specified - than the port of Salerno and that of Naples can have an important space of increase. A lot will depend on which it will be the chessboard of the alliances between the great shipowning companies that are redesigning own strategy in order to choose the ports that are able to guarantee competitiveness. Salerno, as Naples, must assure own ability to improve the competitiveness in infrastructures and the services".
Spirit has intentional to emphasize a point that considers of remarkable importance, "that is - he has specified - than the Authority of System of Tyrrhenian Headquarters is before complete its governance, having a complete Committee of management and a general secretary to the job. This - it has evidenced - is a positive fact because so we can entirety value the specificities, the competences, the forces of the harbour system of the Campania. We have two ports that converse with various systems of the international armament and this is an occasion that goes picked. Naples and Salerno can grow together and, in such sense, the conditions for a strategic synergy exist. Nobody has never questioned that Salerno must maintain a nature polifunzionale. That on which we must work is to upgrade the retroportualità. Salerno has a geographic configuration in which, for being able to grow more still, it must head at an able retroportualità to improve and upgrade this that the docks can make up to a point. Salerno must construct its retroportualità, while Naples must use at best, because up to now the existing potentialities, also redundant, are not picked. Salerno, instead, must construct own retroportuale system; own for this the experimentation of special the economic zone is a decisive priority".
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher