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Inaugurated the intermodal service the Adriatic-Baltic Sea on the director Trieste-Kiel-Goteborg
the train leaves every Wednesday from the giuliano port
February 22, 2017
Today in the port of Trieste, near terminal EMT of the Pier YOU, the official ceremony of inauguration of the new intermodal service to long distance has been carried out that, in arrival and departure by sea from Turkey and Greece, connects the giuliano port of call with the Baltic Sea on the director Kiel-Goteborg ( on 23 January 2017).
The service, started with success from some week, is promoted by the logistic group Turkish Ekol that recently has acquired the participation of majority of terminal EMT ( on 7 December 2016). To the realization of the service TX Logistik and Mercitalia Rail for the railway traction collaborate, Alpe Adria and the same TX Logistik in quality of MTO, and Stena Line cures the marine prosecuzione until Goteborg.
The departures from Trieste happen every Wednesday to hours 11 with arrival the next day to Kiel in Germany to hours 13, for a railway distance of 1.360 km covered in 26 hours. The cargo continues then by sea for ulterior 234 miles in order to reach the final destination of Goteborg in Sweden in the morning of friday morning, after 14 hours of navigation.
The president of the Authority of Harbour System of Mare Adriatico Orientale, Zeno D' Augustin, has evidenced the great valence of the project, "because - it has observed - the range of the port of Trieste to north expands, towards the Scandinavian Countries and potentially Russia; to south-east, beyond Turkey, partner by now consolidated of the port of call, also towards Iran and other destinations. The connection - it has added - confirmation the great railway vocation of Trieste, harbour headquarters for the entire Italian system, demonstrating that it can be worked together with the government, to RFI and the private operators in order to develop projects that carry competitive advantages time shortly".
Taking part to the today's ceremony the managing director of the port of Kiel, Dirk Claus, it has emphasized that "Kiel and Trieste is crucial starting points for the marine traffics towards Scandinavia and Turkey, and the railway connection from each other - it has found - represents the better method in order to connect these two logistic important hub and opens incredible new potentiality. Already the fact that the service is "full house" - has concluded Claus - it shows as there is interest and there was necessity to create this service".
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher