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Venice front man of a plan for the improvement of the harbour connections with the markets of central Europe
the initiative sees involved also the other ports of the North Adriatic Ports Association
March 23, 2017
the port of Venice is front man of the European plan TalkNET (Transport and Logistics Stakeholders Network) the whose objective is to develop support actions of the activation of new intermodal services implementing and promuovendo coordination between stakeholder of the logistic chain of the transport the goods in the Europe center, in order to return the logistic nodes more efficient and echo-compatible (ports and to interpose to you) and to support the implementation of new services and small infrastructures.
the plan is financed to 100%, of which 80% from the program Central Europe with deep remaining FESR and 20% from the Bottom of national spin, the previewed duration is of 36 months and the budget total is of approximately 2.9 million euros.
Within TalkNET, Venice has introduced a plan, of the value of approximately 420 thousand euros, of which partner is front man along with 15 which: the Region of Veneto, the ZAI Quadrante Europa Consortium, the ports of Trieste, Koper and Rijeka, the port of Budapest, the port of Bratislava, the Polish region of Pomerania Western, the port of Stettino, the Agency of development of the Ústí Region (Czech Republic), the Port of Haldensleben (Germany), the railway Chamber of Commerce Italian-German of Monk, operators Rail Cargo Hungary and Lokomotion (Germany) and the logistic operator Codognotto (Polska).
the plan introduced from the Authority of harbour System of Mare Adriatico Settentrionale sees involved also the other ports of NAPA (North Adriatic Ports Association) and previews to realize studies of feasibility and analysis for the improvement of the harbour connections with the markets of central Europe, in particular of the system of railway management in port in order to develop to the interoperability and integration with the railway corridors goods, removal of necks of bottle of the operating ability to the node, multimodale logon of the last mile, potenziamento of the existing multimodali services/new services; I use of alternative fuels and energetic efficientamento.
In the within of the Venetian plan is previewed to start quickly until from some actions pilot that allow to carry out of the tests of new logistic services for the improvement of new railway connections between the port of Venice and the area of the Europe center; and the use of instruments ICT/ITS for the optimization of street the railway operations/and the connections with the main corridors.
Evidencing that "the intermodalità will be one of the points hinge of the development of the lagoon port of call in the next few years", the president from the Authority of Harbour System of Mare Adriatico Settentrionale, Pino Musolino, has emphasized that "TalkNET is an important success if is thought that initial skimming left from a total of 210 introduced proposals, reduced successively to 50, between this Venice and its partner has obtained a co-financing of 100%. We will put ourselves quickly at work, together also to the other ports of the Association NAPA - Musolino has explained - in order to study as to be able to improve the railway connections with the markets of the Europe center putting in value, for how much it regards to us, the enormous infrastructural patrimony of Marghera Port".
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher