Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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Trasportounito invites to distrust "of the associazionismo of paper"
In the viewfinder A.L.I.S and "the new associations that, as many of the old ones, exchange associated customers for and institutions for secretariats"
July 5, 2017
and launches a hard one attacks in particular in confronts of the A.L.I.S., the Logistic Association of the Sustainable Intermodalità been born at the end last year that it has between the statutory scopes that "to represent and to protect the enterprise tied to the transport and the Italian logistics in the relationships with the institutions and the administrations, let alone with the organizations economic, political, social and trade-union" and also "to stipulate agreements in trade-union and economic matter let alone collective bargaining agreement, to represent and to protect the associates in trade-union and economic issues of general and particular interest".
Trasportounito has launch the offensive evidencing that "the crisis of the entrepreneurial associazionismo is under observation of all, well-known to tie weak person, so as that of the labor organizations. And perhaps - it has found the trade-union association of the road haulage - it could not in existence happen nothing of different considering the deep mutations in the world of work, the crisis of national contracts but also and especially the recession that has been pulled down on the Italian enterprises with devastating consequences on the levels of turnover and occupation".
"From this negative spiral - the general secretary of Trasportounito has denounced, Maurizio Longo - the road haulage is not certainly free: associations on paper that are credited to the Ministry (for a series of exquisitely bureaucratic requirement as well as, how many ridicules in their real expression); new associations that bloom more to blows than interests rather than on platforms of protections and trade-union programs".
"In this picture of reference - the target has continued Longo framing of attacks it - the case of new association A.L.I.S., do all businesses and nothing assistance, projected indicating privatistiche perspectives that rest on shipowning imperiums for which probably allow facilities with the associates in exchange for a trade-union adhesion, represent the new model of representation? - It is the opinion of Longo - it is not true the contrary, draft of a new one that withdraws, far from elementary the logical associazionistiche but, above all, insignificant on the depositor of the trade-union proposals, or, at least, without some differentiation of relief on topics as the sustainable development, the economic intermodalità and transfers stimulating, from the State to the enterprises; in particular - it has emphasized Longo - on this last Trasportounito aspect it supports for a long time that such transfers cannot and they do not have to be object of intermediation of trade associations; and own for this its position has favorite to pay the price of being outside from the institutions, without to accept snaturanti compromises. On the contrary instead, the new associations, as many of the old ones, exchange customers for associated and institutions for secretariats".
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher