Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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In the first semester of this Vopak year it has recorded a profit clearly of 170,4 million euros (- 58%)
Programmed an increase of the ability to the terminal malaysian of Pengerang (Johor)
August 18, 2017
Group Dutch Vopak, that it manages a net of 67 harbour terminals for liquid bulk situated in 25 nations that altogether have a storage capability of 35,9 million cubic metres, has concluded the first semester of 2017 with revenues pairs to 669,3 million euros, down of the -2% regarding 679,9 million euros in the first half last year.
The EBITDA is piled to 392,0 million euros (- 38%) and the operating profit to 256,0 million euros (- 48%). The company has specified that the EBITDA to clearly of the extraordinary voices has turned out of 394 million euros, value that inferior of the -6% regarding the result of the first semester of 2016 and that - has observed Vopak - reflects a positive climate of the market in the Americas and a situation of stability of the activity of the terminals in Asia and Europe, Middle East and Africa, while in Holland the market has shown a contraction.
Vopak has closed the first six months of this year with a profit clearly of 170,4 million euros (- 58%).
The managing director of the Vopak has announced that the group will continue to get ahead own program of control of the costs: "since we cannot influence the tender offer of raw materials in a context of activity characterized from an increasing competition, the geopolitical and a volatility of markets energetic and financial developments - Eelco Hoekstra has explained - we can act on the quality of our investments, on the operating cost reduction and on the improvement of our service. We always try to improve our performances of safety and sustainability, being improved ulteriorly the quality of our activities and increasing the productivity with the support of the application of new technologies. This - it has specified Hoekstra - will contribute to reduce the future base of the costs of the Vopak at least 25 million euros in period 2017-2019".
While Vopak has announced the increase of the ability to the terminal malaysian Pengerang Independent Terminals (PITSB) that it is situated to Pengerang (Johor), has become operating in 2014 and is managed by joitn lucks participated to 44% from the Dutch group, to 46% from the group Dialog malaysian and to 10% from the malaysian It are Secretary, Johor Inc. The ability to the terminal will be elevated of 430 thousand cubic metres carrying it to 1,7 million cubic metres. The widening work will be started in 2019.
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