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On 29 September to Taranto the fifteenth Italian national convention of the twenty-five one will hold To propel Clubs
Al center of the event the convention "the new challenges of the Mediterranean. The Authorities of Harbour System to a year from the effectiveness of the reform law"
September 19, 2017
Next the 29 september to Taranto will hold the fifteenth Italian national convention of twenty-five the International Propeller Clubs, cultural associations that promote the encounter and the relations between people who operate in the fields of the marine, terrestrial transports, airplane and that they favor the formation and the technical update, cultural of the pertaining to the economic and professional categories tied to the marine activities and the logistics. The event, than for the first time will hold in the apulian city, is organized from the premises The International Propeller Club Port of Taras in collaboration with Propeller Club of Bari" and Brindisi.
"The auspice of Propeller Club Port of Taras - the president of the association has explained, Michele Conte - is that this event can represent an important occasion for the specialists of the field in order to be confronted on the issues of the economy of the sea, the logistics and the transports, while for the institutions and the citizens an opportunity of increase and acquaintance of own cultural and social roots. More in general terms - it has specified - a dowel constitutes of that mosaic of realized initiatives so that the port can continue to represent, besides an important flies of economic and occupational development, also a place of professional development". "The happy coincidence of the election to mayor of the city of a marine entrepreneur-operator (Rinaldo Melucci, ndr) - it has found Count - also constitutes a remarkable added value, besides to the future of the marine-harbour activities, to the development of the work of convention".
The president of the Authority of Harbour System of the Ionian Sea, Sergio Prete, has evidenced that the convention will represent also a profitable occasion in order to make the check on state of the art of the recent reform verifying as this is affecting the Italian harbour system.
Marco Caffio, marine president of the association of the agents and brokers Raccomar Taranto, have announced that, in concomitanza with the national assembly of Propeller Clubs, for the first time to Taranto the directive reunion of the national one of Federagenti with the presence of president Simone Carlini will hold also Young.
For the next Italian national convention of Propeller Clubs they will be to Taranto some between the more marine operating important and of the logistics on a national level let alone the minister of Infrastructures and Graziano Delrio Transports. The moment clou of convention will be the national convention on the topic "the new challenges of the Mediterranean. The Authorities of Harbour System to a year from the effectiveness of the reform law". The manifestation will hold to hours 10,00 near Sala Resta of the Citadel of the Enterprises of the Chamber of Commerce of Taranto (free registration on
Moderated by Nicola Capuzzo, journalist of "Milan Finance Shipping and Logistica", the work will be opened with the institutional salutes of Michele Conte, president The International Propeller Club Port of Taras, Rinaldo Melucci, mayor of Taranto, Luigi Sportelli, president of the Chamber of Commerce and Artigianato of Taranto, Davide Degennaro, president The International Propeller Club Port of Bari, and Donato Caiulo, president The International Propeller Club Port of Brindisi.
Afterwards they will take part Alessandro Panaro, Maritime responsible office and Mediterranean Economy di SRM - Centro Studi for Southern Italy, Sergio Prete, president of the AdSP of Mare Ionio, Ugo Patroni Griffi, president of the AdSP of Mare Adriatico Meridionale, Riccardo Fuochi, president of Propeller Club Port of Milan, Zeno D' Augustin, president of the AdSP of Mare Adriatico Orientale and president Assoporti, Eugenio Di Sciascio, university chancellor Politecnico of Bari, Umberto Masucci, president The International Propeller Clubs. The conclusions will be entrusted minister Delrio.
In the afternoon the national assembly The International Propeller Clubs and national the directive council will hold.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher