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Forty Italian professionals of the logistics have participated to the course of specialization MOST Italy 2017
It is organized from the European Escola de Short Sea Shipping
October 10, 2017
In recent days 40 Italian professionals of the logistics and the international transportation have participated to the course of specialization in intermodal logistics MOST organized Italy 2017 for the third consecutive year from the European Escola de Short Sea Shipping (2E3S) this year with the collaboration of other institutions between which ALIS (Logistic Association of the Sustainable Intermodalità), RAM Spa, Assoporti and Confitarma. The formative distance has had beginning near the Harbour Authority of Civitavecchia, now also center of the Authority of Harbour System of the Center-Northerner Tyrrhenian Sea, where the first activities have been carried out before the boarding on board of the ferry ro-pax Cruise Rome of the company Grimaldi Lines that covers the Civitavecchia-Barcelona draft.
During the course the participants have penetrated in the study of intermodal solutions through theoretical lessons and workshop that they have given way to know in the detail the freeways of the sea, environmental politics of the transport which promulgated from the European Union and topics of the present time, as the fiscal incentives Marebonus and Ferrobonus which thought specifically for the intermodal transport, and real cases of companies that head at the intermodalità.
Also this year the Escola has been able to make use of the collaboration of experts of the field, coming is from the academic world that institutional, that they have been the teacher of the course: Andrea Campagna, adviser senior in Transport and Logistics near the "Research center for the Transport and the Logistics - Wisdom University of Rome", Francesco Benevolo, director of Net Mediterranean Freeways Spa, Ana Arévalo, commercial manager of the area of SSS of the port of Barcelona, Giovanni Marinucci, of the Department of International relations and European Projects near the AdSP of the Tyrrhenian Sea Center-Northerner, Alessandro Feniello, sales freight manager of GNV, Marcello Donnarumma, commercial manager of the area of SSS near Grimaldi Lines, Antonio Errigo, assistant general manager of ALIS (Logistic Association of the Sustainable Intermodalità), and for the European Escola of Short Sea Shipping, Eduard Rodés, director, and Viviana Zappa, of the External department of Relation and Communication.
The course is served also by audience for the presentation of an innovative project that takes to cue from the book "the new Mediterranean corridor", that it proposes a new distribution of the already existing Mediterranean corridor in the net IT TRY. The authors of the book, Antonio Nervegna and Euclide Di Pretoro, have had a chance for illustrate the project, still in embryonic phase, and to share it with the futuribili users of this cross-sectional corridor that would join Spain to Croatia, passing for the center of the Italian peninsula.
The fourth edition of the organized course from the European Escola de Short Sea Shipping will hold from on 29 September on October 2, 2018. While within the end of the 2017 Escola it has in program others two course for Spanish and portuguese professionals (MOST Iberia, from the 21 on 24 October), the first edition of MOS Magreb, for Moroccan professionals (from the 11 on 15 November) and the MOST France, for the French market (from the 25 on 28 November).
The European Escola de Short Sea Shipping (2E3S) is an European center of formation and a point of reference for the intermodal transport and the logistics whose founding associates are Port of Barcelona, Ports of Rome (now ADSP of the Center-Northerner Tyrrhenian Sea), Harbour Authority of Genoa (now Ports of Genoa), Grimaldi Lines and GNV.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher