The Authority of Harbour System of the Tyrrhenian Sea Northern has managed and adopted new the Slowly Triennial one for the Prevention of the corruption for the 2018-2020 that shortly will be carried to the attention of the Committee of management of the agency, plan whose objectives are to characterize the activities in the within of which more the risk is elevated than corruption, to undertake the relative measures of mitigation and to preview mechanisms of formation, performance and control of the decisions. Between the several purposes also that to define the modalities of monitoring of the relationships between the Authority and the subjects that with the same one stipulate contracts or that they are interested to authorization procedures, concession or distribution of economic advantages of any genre.
- The Plan is already operating, but it will be only in the course of the next months, that is once become totally operating the new structure of the Authority, than will be able to be proceeded to mappare really the risky implementations from the point of view of the anti-corruption and the relative degrees of risk. To make it within next 31 August it will be a direction ad hoc of the agency directed by Claudio Capuano, already administrative leader of the former Harbour Authority of Piombino. Draft of an sensitive area of the Authority of System that head will make the president directly and that it will be competent also with reference to the fields of the privacy, the internal control and the formation.
- The direction will develop also to the system of management of the processes of internal control and verification of the performances second the most credited addresses than field, shaping itself as a strategic infrastructure of governance.
- While the AdSP of the Tyrrhenian Sea Northern has organized for next thursday, in Old Fortress to Livorno, a convention dedicated to the formation and the role of the harbour systems. The encounter has the scope to value the "System Port" and to focus the attention on the role of the formation in a system of industrial relations, in order to get in touch the world of professional training with productive, marine and logistic harbour the row.

- Program of the convention
9.30-10.00 |
Recording participants - Coffee Open |
10.00-10.15 |
Salutes of welcome - Opening of the work President Northern AdSP Tyrrhenian Sea Stefano Corsini |
10.15-10.30 |
The function and the objectives of the Authority of Harbour System of the Tyrrhenian Sea Northern Managing Internal Control, Transparency, Anticorruzione, Formation Claudio Capuano |
10.30-10.45 |
The function of the Tuscany Region City council member Instruction, Formation and Lavoro Cristina Grieco |
10.45-11.00 |
The function of the Marine Authority Rear admiral (CP) Giuseppe Tarzia |
11.00-11.15 |
The function of the Naval Academy Admiral Pierpaolo Ribuffo |
11.15-11.30 |
The function of the Company Usl Tuscany Nord the West Managing Responsible U.F. Prevenzione Hygiene and Safety Places of Job - Livorno Zone Cesare Buonocore |
11.30-11.45 |
The economic programming as instrument of connection between productive row and formative row Istituto Regionale Programmazione Economica Tuscany - IRPET Managing Job, Instruction, Welfare Nicola Sciclone |
11.45-13.15 |
The added value of a "formation of system" for the competitiveness in the marine, harbour and logistic row Moderator: Secretary Generale Northern AdSP Tyrrhenian Sea Massimo Provinciali |
Classified session to the participations of stakeholder the Enterprises - logistic harbour Terminals/(ports of Livorno and Piombino- InterportoToscano Vespucci - Interporto of the Central Tuscany) - Amateurish Societies - Enterprises of the nautical field and diporto - OO.SS., Trade associations (Asamar-Spedimar - the Assimprese - Assiterminal) |
13.15-13.30 |
Closing of the work Minister of the Job and the Social Policies Giuliano Poletti |
13.30-14.30 |
Light Lunch |
14.30-16.00 |
Resumption of the work |
Formative system Duale: A new vision of the professionalizing formative apprenticeship Moderator: Secretary Generale Northern AdSP Tyrrhenian Sea Massimo Provinciali |
Classified session to the participations of the field instruction, formation and university: Institutes Technical and Professional secondary scholastics of Livorno and Piombino, University of the Studies of Pisa (Sant'Anna School - Polo Universitario Sistemi Logistici of Livorno), Formative Agencies and Interim Agencies |
16.00-16.15 |
Conclusions City council member Instruction, formation and job Cristina Grieco |
16.15-16.30 |
Closing of the Work Secretary Generale AdSP of the Tyrrhenian Sea Northern Massimo Provinciali |