Moderator: Dr. Aldo Pettinari |
9.00 |
Recording participants |
9.30 |
Salutes |
Dr.ssa Ida Simonella (City council member to the Common Port of Ancona) |
Rodolfo Giampieri (President Autorità di Harbour Sistema) |
Dr. Giuliano Tagliavento (Director Dipartimento di Prevenzione AV2 - ASUR Marche) |
10.00 |
Illustration of the phases and the objectives of the Aimed Plan of Prevention (Dr.ssa Roberta Piergili) |
10.20 |
The role and the contribution of the INAIL Marche inside of the complex system of harbour prevention (Dott.ssa Anna Maria Pollichieni) |
10.40 |
The system of the emergencies (Ing Ivan Procaccini - P.I. Rodolfo Milani) |
11.00 |
RLS of productive Site: a consolidated cooperation (Angelo Olcese) |
11.20 |
Contributions of the System of surveillance I inform to the Aimed Plans of Prevention (Dr. Diego De Merich) |
11.40 |
Research project INAIL for the health and safety in the marine-harbour field (Dr. Mauro Pellicci - Dr.ssa Giulia Forte) |
12.00 |
Conclusions |
(Dr.ssa Anna Maria Colao - Dr. D.De Merich, Dr M.Pellicci) |