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Little steps ahead today in according to summit on Brenner
Undersigned a declaration of attempts, than but is not signed by the governor of Tirol
June 12, 2018
Today according to summit on Brenner held to NOI Techpark of Bolzano, that he is convened by Pat Cox, coordinator for the European corridor TRIES between Scandinavia and the Mediterranean, seems not to have carried to an approach between the parts with respect to the heavy carrier language traffic along the axis of Brenner and seems indeed to have increased the uncertainty on the initiatives that Italy, Austria and Germany intend to get ahead in order to assure the transit of Tir on this director or in order to limit the truck flow along the way. A inficiato summit probably also from the absence of the directed representatives of two of the three governments.
In a note the new Italian minister to Infrastructures and the Transports, Danilo Toninelli, does not anticipate to Bolzano where the government of Rome is represented by the general leader of the Ministry, Enrico Maria Pujia, has commented the subscription of a "relative Declaration of attempts to the performance of accompanying measures and infrastructural that contribute to the realization of the Scandinavian-Mediterranean corridor of the central net IT TRY" happened to conclusion of the meeting emphasizing that "the financial engagements of along term on the corridor of Brenner, in the within of the stategia TRY, represent a fundamental challenge in order to more better connect the several areas of Europe. And - it has added Toninelli - enormous benefits will give to our economy, considering that about 70% of the import-export Italian it passes for the alpine arc".
A document that, however, is not signed by the governor of the Tirol, Austrian federate State that has a role key in the negotiations and that on the transits to Brenner it has a clearly different position from that of Germany and Italy: "today - the decision has explained Günther Platter motivating not to sign the agreement - we have put in clearly that the situation of the transits is not more sustainable and that it is time to end it with the promised excuses and vain. Not lascerò that the tirolesi are taken the mickey out of. I have always emphasized - it has specified Platter - that I will add my signature only if there will be obvious improvements for the tirolese population. The case is not that. In 2009 - it has still evidenced the governor of Tirol - we have included in the Action plan for Brenner all the necessary measures and the plan today would be instead newly lacking in concrete measures and binding, of temporal expirations and resources. We do not need - Platter has denounced - of ulterior declarations of attempts that lead to nothing. This of which we need is the concrete engagements of all the involved parts and a strategy of effective offshoring".
Neighbor with the Federate State of Tirol, the Province of Bolzano has also it an analogous position (even if more conciliating) to that of the northern neighbor regarding the excessive flow of traffic through Brenner. Not to Tirol case, Alto Adige and Trentino have introduced today an additional protocol (this signed also from Platter) that he speeds up "the fast realization and acceptance of concrete measures": between these: "the realization of the so-called "toll of corridor" for the feature between Monaco and Verona, that it must be adopted without ulterior procrastinations", measure of adaptation of the toll on all the axis of Brenner regarding the other alpine crosswalks necessary - it is explained - "in order to place a brake to the coming traffic from these other tracings and also in order to increase the competitive ability to the rail shipment". Moreover a plan for displacement of cargos clearly defined for the progressive strengthening of the passage of the heavy traffic wonders "on the track", with the objective to reach "a annual increase of 1,5 million clean tons on track along the corridor of Brenner", the adoption in the short period "of effective and incisive measures for the limitation of the traffic goods on the axis of Brenner", a drastic reduction regarding 2017 of the number of the transports goods in traffic turned aside on the axis of Brenner (tip - it is emphasized - to the reduction of a third party within 2020) and "the priority and consequent implementation of a new infrastructure, the widening to four lanes of the corridor of Brenner (Gallery of base of Brenner and drafts of access)".
To these two ulterior demands for the Province of Bolzano and Trento join: the prompt first the "no thoroughfare for the secondary road net", as "the measures of limitation of the traffic on the freeway of Brenner by force increases the pressure on the connected road net of the federal roads and state" and "an sensitive reduction that is the abolition of the privilege of the cost of the diesel oil for the heavy traffic along the axis of Brenner" turns to eliminate the turned aside traffic.
"We do not stop to work - it has emphasized in the course of the today's summit the president of the Province of Bolzano, Arno Kompatscher - for an immediate displacement of the traffic from the axis of Brenner. The topic is the health of the citizens, the protection of the delicate alpine ecosystem and the quality of the life in general terms". Remembering that beyond 2,2 million heavy means they cross every year Brenner, with a trend of increase of +14%, and finding that against the increasing impact of the traffic on people and atmosphere there is unanimity in considering that fast solutions are necessary, Kompatscher has evidenced that "it is necessary an increase of the highway rates for the traffic goods, an only rate of corridor for the fuel of heavy means, a no thoroughfare on the civil servant of Brenner and more goods on track".
Relatively to the so-called turned aside traffic, that represented from the means that cover a longer way and pass from the Brenner because more convenient, Kompatscher has observed that "in order to reduce this type of traffic it is necessary to in transit introduce gradually higher rates for heavy means on the freeway between Brenner and Modena".
From part its, in the note diffused in occasion of the today's summit, the Italian minister has asserted that "they are not acceptable unilateral blocks of the traffic that damage are the atmosphere on the Italian depositor are the turnovers of the homegrown enterprises. Draft of prohibition - it has accused Toninelli - not agreed that they appear moreover in contrast with the spirit of the understandings of the summit of Monk and with the principle of free circulation of the goods that informs the right of the EU. Italy is in first line from the point of view of the economic effort, in multimodale optical of progressive transfer of the traffic from the rubber to the iron. And we expect that the Austrian government recognizes this engagement".
Toninelli has remembered that the position of its Ministry on the Brenner dossier is that serves a concerted action that points above all on three guiding ones: optimization of railway line historical RFI with improvements finalized to the velocizzazione and the increase of ability (to particular importance, for example, the development plan of the ERTMS of level 2 in overlap to the system of control of the march of the train - SCMT - to conclude itself in 2021); modulation of the tolls that, in ossequio to the principle "who uses wage and who pollutes wage", it holds account of it I use of alternative sources clean and fuel, with the scope to stimulate the more sustainable means of transport spread and less impattanti for the atmosphere (moreover - specific the note - Italy has destined sturdy billetings anniversaries in favour of the long railroad the axis of Brenner. Therefore, hypotheses of possible tariff increments could be on the table in the within of the argument on the future concession of the freeway of Brenner); analysis cost-benefits and transparency on the contracts in relation to the real volumes of traffic legacies to the possible potenziamento of the line of access to south of Brenner, from Verona to Fortress. If from a part, in fact - it explains the note - the realization of the base tunnel and that of the first lottery of the line of access (from Fortress to Waidbruck) is respective under realization and already started from the Cipe, and represents works of fundamental usefullness, from the other it is necessary to define in rational way and transparent with which modalities it will be necessary to proceed to the remaining realization of draft of access (from Verona to Waidbruck). And the opportunity will be estimated in such sense also to participate to notices in order to approach the European financings.
Al summit of Bolzano has taken to part also the minister to the Transports Austrian, Norbert Hofer, the ministra to the Transports of Bavaria, Ilse Aigner, the president of the Province of Trento, Ugo Rossi, and the secretary of state in the ministry to the Transports German, Steffen Bilger, that it has stood in for of the minister Andreas Scheuer who has decided not to participate to the meeting as - he had explained - "lacking in sense" because - he had specified - after an encounter with Austrian minister Hofer he had appeared clearly "that the State of Tirol is not interested to an in the short term relative solution to the situation of the traffic on border German-Austrian”.
The coordinator for the European corridor the Scandinavian-Mediterranean, Pat Cox, however has expressed satisfaction for the outcome of the summit: “after long negotiations with the representatives of States and Regions - it has asserted - we can finally undertake a fundamental step on the common distance for a sustainable corridor through Brenner”. Cox has appreciated in particular the engagement of the president of the Province of Bolzano Kompatscher regarding the Italian depositor of the corridor, while it has manifested to displease for the lacked subscription the memorandum by the governor of Tirol Platter.
Satisfaction is expressed also by the governor of the Trentino: “behind this signature - Ugo Rossi has declared - there is an important meaning: it is the confirmation of the goodness of the political choices adopted until now. And it is particularly meaningful that minister Toninelli has already intentional to sign the memorandum. We thank because it is the test of a renewed engagement of the Italian government to support the already under way projects”.
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