Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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Ok of the Committee of management of the Western From Liguria AdSP to the Development plan and Efficientamento of the harbour company Culmv
Approved of also the regarding the New Dock entrusted in concession to the Nautical Halls and Friendly deliberation & Co.
July 31, 2018
Today the Committee of management of the Authority of Harbour System of the Ligurian Sea Western has approved of unanimously the relative deliberation to the Development plan and Efficientamento of the harbour company Culmv that articulates in a series of measures times to guarantee mainly smaller costs of structure, improvement of the system of calls near the single terminals in order to increase to the number of the days worked by all the associates diminishing the cost of interim job, greater responsabilizzazione of the associates with payment of the penitentiaries for not consistent behaviors to the norm.
To this support measures join to the job previewed of the Law the Stability 2018 times to finance the formation of the workers, to favor the anticipated retirement of the unskillful associates or their ricollocazione and measures of patrimonial reorganization in order to put in safety the Only Company. Moreover, to protection of the participation financial that the Authority of harbour System will make for the Culmv, some instruments of governance are previewed: one of these will be the introduction of a financial director who will be also in charge of the control of management, named of understanding between AdSP and Compagnia. A clause of express resolution is introduced also if the Culmv does not comply with the Development plan and Efficientamento.
"The approved of Plan today - it has emphasized the president of the AdSP, Paolo Emilio Signorini - is a fundamental passage for the Company because it contains an organic system of measures times to favor the efficientamento and the reorganization of the accounts of the Culmv and also to guarantee the protection of the public resources".
In the today's reunion the Committee of management has approved of also the regarding concessoria deliberation the New Dock that has the scope to not only value the compendium during the period of the Nautical Hall but in the arc of the entire year entrusting to two society, the Nautical Halls and Friendly & Co., the areas in concession with the division of the spaces is down that to sea allowing the cohabitation of international the exhibition manifestation with the industrial activities. In particular, in the New section Dock will continue to operate the society the Nautical Halls which it will be up about 40% of the current areas, in four-year concession, and for the naval repairs - above all relative to the great yachts - it will be operating the Friend & Co., with twenty-year concession, whose activities will occupy having remained 60% of the spaces. The previewed total investments pile to about 6,5 million euros.
For giving guarantees on the organization of the Nautical Hall, in the deliberation explicit callback to the engagement by the Friend & Co to before free the areas to earth and sea is made 30 days regarding the beginning of the Hall and altogether for 50 days.
Gentlemen have evidenced that an important is completed step forward thanks to the approval deliberation that assigns to the Nautical Dock that - it has observed - "finally an order of an just compromise between the productive requirements of the port finds and those of an irrenounceable manifestation for Genoa".
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher