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ESPO exhorts to assure puts up financings to the ports in the budget EU
The association asks also to recognize the transboundary nature of the harbour ports of call
September 5, 2018
The proposal budgetary in the long term of the European Union for introduced period 2021-2027 2nd May of the EU commission assigns to the program Mechanism in order To connect Europe (CEF) a sum of 42,3 billion euros. 6th june the EU commission has introduced a proposal in order to on 13 September establish the legal base of program CEF for the next period to 2020, proposed that it is currently in argument to the Parliament and the Council of the EU and, in sight one of the expiration for the presentation of amendments, today the association of the European ports has exhorted the europarlamentari not to cut the proposed budget, but indeed to increase it.
Evidencing that in next the ten years the requirements of investments of the European ports will pile to 48 billion euros, than many harbour investments they have a score elevated in the creation of social value and that but the return on investment for the investor - in this case the agency manager of the port - often low and is diluted in the time, the European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO) has emphasized that for these investments they are therefore necessary external financings, while in last the three years - according to a study promoted from the association in sight of the presentation of the new proposed for introduced program CEF on 6 June - the ports have been able to for transport obtain only 4% of the budget of the CEF.
"ESPO - Isabelle Ryckbost has asserted, general secretary of the ESPO - totally recognizes the importance and the benefits of the Mechanism in order To connect Europe. We would have to use the experience of last the three years - but it has specified - in order to optimize ulteriorly this instrument. We count on the European Parliament and the Council in order to safeguard the proposed budget, that it represents the necessary minim".
"Given to theirs important role which nodes for transport, the energy, the industry and the blue economy - it has found Ryckbost - the ports deserve more of the quota obtained 4% in last the three years. In concrete terms we consider that the ports and the marine dimension must have a greater acknowledgment in the within of the transboundary priority projects. The marine ports - the general secretary of the association of the European ports has explained - possess the potential one to connect any number of Member States through the marine transport, let alone to connect the sea with immense hinterland and economic areas that in the majority of the cases exceed the national borders. They are of nature transboundary and they would have to be recognized as such".
ESPO has therefore advanced some recommendations and suggestions in order to ulteriorly improve the proposal of the Commission for the CEF II, between which that note to recognize the transboundary nature of the ports. Moreover the association among other things asks to assure that a greater quota the budget of the CEF is accessible to the ports, to acknowledgment of their essential role in the European net of the transports.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher