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Venetian Assoagenti and Federagenti, the declarations of exponents of the government on the topic of the great ships to Venice represent a death sentence of the lagoon port
Saints: they demonstrate not to have although the minimal idea of the Venetian truth
October 1, 2018
. Duci: we find in front of a hypothesis crowds of decrescita… happy
"We are in front of a death sentence of the port, of one of main the economic activities of Venice and of Veneto, but also of the reason of being, historical and current, of the city". The disconsolate ascertainment is this, almost an epitaph, with which president of the Association Agenti Raccomandatari and Marine Mediatori of Veneto (Assoagenti), Alessandro Santi, it has received the declarations of the minister of the Assets and the cultural activities, Alberto Bonisoli, than on the social medium it has expressed own opinion on the topic of the transit of the great ships in the Lagoon of Venice, opinion that - unless otherwise stated - must intend as personal as up to now they have been various, and in some case discordant, the convincements of the exponents of the government on this topic.
"Venice - it has emphasized minister Bonisoli - is only, a city of inestimable value, patrimony for the entire humanity that deserves of being defended, protected, protected, for being able to transmit it intact to the future generations. I wonder so if some made choices in the past are coherent with this principle, as I wonder if today there is an just balance between requirements of economic nature and the necessity protect this wonderful but fragile treasure. The passage of the great cruise ships near, too much near monuments of great historical and artistic prestige - it has specified the minister - is one of the topics who is necessary, finally, to face in order to improve the protection of Venice".
Evidencing that "this government has to heart the conservation and the protection of one of the beautifulr places to the world" and that for this reason has decided "to strengthen the degree of safeguard of the city", Bonisoli has announced with satisfaction that "the Supervision of Venice is starting the process that will carry to the acknowledgment of the historical-artistic interest of the city water ways, and in particular of the Channel of the Giudecca, where today ships of great dimensions journey, larger of the Titanic. It is - it has observed the minister - an innovative provision, that it will afford of being able to start in future, working together with the structures of the other involved ministries, Ministry of Infrastructures and the Transports and Ministry of the Atmosphere and the Protection of the Territory and the Sea, a new phase of management of the Venetian water ways, for a protection of the entire more effective and respectful city of the atmosphere and the patrimony".
An opinion that Bonisoli has expressed close of the manifestation promoted from the Nograndinavi Committee that has carried out itself yesterday in order to mainly renew the protest against the passage of the great ships in lagoon and the relative consequences of their transit on the city in terms of pollution and impact on the delicate city structures of Venice.
The declarations published on the social from minister Bonisoli on the topic of the great ships to Venice and the management of the lagoon port are received with abashment from Venetian Assoagenti, that it has manifested perplexity for the support regarding this position expressed from the minister to Infrastructures and the Transports, Danilo Toninelli. "The history of Venice - it has found the president of the shipping agents of Veneto, Alessandro Santi - would have to teach how much is inseparable the tie between the port and the city; but this instruction is not even perceived: two ministers - he has denounced Saint - demonstrate not to have although minimal idea of the Venetian truth, choosing the road of the easy ones proclaims of propaganda, entrusting itself to messages on platforms social, and setting itself beside who it wants to condemn Venice to the do-nothing policy, I yield mature of a total lack of effective politics on the residenzialità with the consequent necrotizzazione of social woven its".
"The marine operators - he has continued Saint - cannot assist live passively to a homicide: dark a descent from above that it risks to clearly cut in way fundamental an economic field as that of the harbour activities, annulling a section that - second authoritative and not arguable published studies - constitutes more of 20% of the wealth generated in the metropolitan area (1,1 billion euros, eighth Italian city)".
To the reaction of Venetian Assoagenti that of the national federation of the shipping agents has joined also: "by years - the president of Federagenti has remembered, Gian Enzo Duci - the shipping agents are engaged in front line, with studies, searches, analysis, always shared with all the subjects private publics and involved in this field, demonstrating wide the compatibility of the harbour activities and a job row and irrenounceable yield with the safeguard and the protection not only of Venice and of its lagoon. Today - Duci has asserted - we find ourselves of forehead, supported from ministers on the social, and I restate on the social, to a hypothesis crowds of decrescita… happy. Projects and concrete innovations finalized to guarantee a perspective of development and not of decline to the future of the city, but also studies written up in six years by useless the competent local authorities… all, all space; to having the windward a hypothesis of pure propaganda is alone: that of the dead women of Venice".
The representatives of the Venetian and Italian shipping agents have objected that a drastic choice as that ventilated from the ministers in fact carries as intrinsic consequence sharpening itself of the phenomenon of "museizzazione" of Venice, suffocating the activities alternatives to the tourist monoculture, and this when by now, also in the world that looks to Venice, is very clearly that the protection of the beauty of this only city would have to be based on the management and solution of the real problems of the city, than is not, as it never has not been, the ships.
"Always we are made available to I confront and the dialogue - it has concluded Saint - and we will continue to make it, if this means to guarantee a future to our city. But in front of affirmations as these we cannot that to express our total discord and to preannounce a weighted one but it stops opposition, to protection of the productive activities, the workers and their families and also of our history and common inheritance".
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