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On 19 October to Trieste the eighth edition of the Italian Cruise Day will hold
In 2018 previewed beyond the 11 million one crocieristi enlivened in Italian ports (+8.1%)
October 2, 2018
Next 19 October near the Marine Station of Trieste (Warehouse 42) will hold the eighth edition of the Italian Cruise Day, the forum on the cruises organized from the search society and advising Answers Tourism this year in partnership with Trieste Passenger terminal and the support of CLIA Europe. On the base of the registrations already reached, the participants who will take part to the event, in representation of the various professional categories will be beyond 200 that operate in the section: from the shipowning companies to the harbour truths, from the travel agents to the tour operator until the shipping agents and to trade associations.
As in the precedence editions, in the course of the event the new edition of the Italian Cruise Watch, the relationship of search will be introduced realized from Answers containing Tourism the data more updated and important on the crocieristico section in Italy and the forecasts for the year to come. The society has anticipated that the first data of the report indicate that to end 2018 Italy will be the first nation of the Mediterranean for number of enlivened crocieristi (embarks, disembarks and transits) in own ports of call. More in particular our Country will boast six crocieristici ports between the first ten of the Mediterranean, number that salt to eight if the first 20 crocieristici ports of call of the Mediterranean area are considered.
In the detail, Civitavecchia will maintain the second position, behind of Barcelona, is for number of enlivened passengers (2,452 million, +10.4%) of is touched ship (770, +5.8%). Below the position in classifies of the other Italian ports of call: Venice fifth place (1,475 million enlivened passengers and 495 touched ship), was to the third party until 2014; Genoa seventh place (1,022 million enlivened passengers and 224 touched ship), earning a position regarding last year; Naples eighth place (million passengers enlivened and 370 touched ship), in increase is for enlivened passengers that number of approaches regarding 2017; Savona ninth place (897 thousand enlivened passengers and 195 touched ship), maintaining the position of 2017; Tenth Livorno place (795 thousand enlivened passengers and 356 touched ship), returning in the top ten of the ports of call of the Mediterranean, did not happen from 2012; Palermo sixteenth place (580 thousand enlivened passengers and 172 touched ships), going up of three places regarding last year; Bari seventeenth place (550 thousand enlivened passengers and 210 touched ship), with the increments more elevated (+38.3% passengers; +46.9% touched) between the first 20 ports.
Answers Tourism have specified that the Italian leadership will be evidenced also by the number of crocieristi that begin or end own cruise in Italy: to year-end, in fact, almost the half of embarks/disembarks in the Mediterranean will have happened in the Italian ports.
Regarding the projections updated relative at the close of 2018, Italian Cruise Watch evidences an increase is for the number of passengers enlivened in the national ports (little beyond 11 million, +8.1% on 2017) is for touched ship (+2.1% on 2017).
projection of the video de "the House of the Italian Crocieristici Ports"
Pierfrancesco Vago - Member of the committee executive, CLIA Europe
Massimiliano Fedriga - President, Region Friuli Venice Giulila
Roberto Dipiazza - Mayor, Municipality of Trieste
Zeno D' Augustin - President, Authority of Harbour System of the Sea Adriatic Oriental and President, Assoporti
Roberto Martinoli - Chairman, CLIA Italy
Airam Diaz Pastor - President, MedCruise
Presentation of Italian Cruise Watch 2018
Francesco di Cesar - President, Answers Tourism
The crocieristica in Italy: state of the art and future perspectives
Massimo Brancaleoni - Senior Vice President World Wide Sales, Costa Crociere
Silvio Ciprietti - General Manager Italy, Royal Caribbean International
Antonio Di Monte - Administrator Delegato, Cagliari Cruise Port and Catania Cruise Terminal
- Via Raffaele Paolucci 17r/19r - 16129 Genoa - ITALY
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher